10 Questions For… Haley Pullos

by Catriona Beck

At 18 years old, Haley Pullos has already played roles in hit daytime TV show General Hospital, Nickelodeon’s Instant Mom and has been nominated for a Daytime Emmy. Her success has led to her newest venture, landing the lead actress role in the much anticipated film ‘From Straight A’s to XXX’ premiering on Lifetime today. The film focuses on the true story of Miriam Weeks who relied on porn to help fund her education but suffers from serious cyber-bullying as a result. Many people, such as those who perform for sites like shemalehd, can benefit greatly from the financial element of porn, which can help them get through tough financial periods.

We chatted to Haley about her newest film, her feelings towards cyber-bullying and everything you need to know about her colourful acting career.

“Cyber-bullies are cowards. They tear people down behind the safety of their anonymity because they’re insecure. cyber-bullying hurts, it’s nasty, it can destroy lives, but it’s important for victims of cyber-bullying to remember that they are better than their tormentors.”

Taylor Magazine: Tell us about what you do as an actress!

Haley: As an actress, I’m given the opportunity to tell a story in a genuinely lifelike way. I’m able to translate something from paper to the real world and I think that’s really cool.

Taylor Magazine: How do you think your role on a daytime television show like General Hospital has helped your career as an actress?

Haley: One of the greatest things about General Hospital is the training I’ve gotten. We have a lot of material to shoot so there isn’t any time to arrive unprepared. At General Hospital, you really have to be on your game when you step on the set, you have to know your stuff because all of the other actors and actresses do. After almost eight years of being on the show, that work ethic has stuck with me and I bring it to every other project I work on.

Taylor Magazine: You used to be on Nickelodeon as well as your role on General Hospital – how did you find balancing the different characters you played?

Haley: It was so fun and very different from General Hospital. At Instant Mom, most of our time was spent rehearsing together and getting our comedic timing down. The cast of Instant Mom was just amazing, I really learned a lot from them. And it was really cool to play someone so different from my character on General Hospital (even though both characters are named Molly!)

Taylor Magazine: The success you’ve had at your age is amazing. What would you say is your biggest achievement?

Haley: Thank you! I think my biggest achievement is either booking my movie, Straight A’s, or being nominated for a Daytime Emmy. Both are unforgettable experiences, and both made me feel really proud of my craft and the work I’ve done.

Taylor Magazine: We’re really intrigued by your new film – ‘From Straight A’s to XXX’ and the fact that it’s a true story. Tell us more and how you found being the lead actress in this film.

Haley: Getting to play the lead in this movie was surreal for me. This story touches on subjects that I’m really passionate about like feminism and being able to maintain authority over one’s own body. I was absolutely disgusted by the horror that Miriam went through from her peers just for making a legal decision about how to pay for her education. And as an actress portraying a real person that I really respect, it was extremely important to me that I showed the humanity of Miriam.

Taylor Magazine: What advice would you give to someone who is suffering from cyber-bullying at the moment?

Haley: Cyber-bullies are cowards. They tear people down behind the safety of their anonymity because they’re insecure. cyber-bullying hurts, it’s nasty, it can destroy lives, but it’s important for victims of cyber-bullying to remember that they are better than their tormentors.

Taylor Magazine: What is your main purpose behind using social media?

Haley: When I first started on social media, it was just for fun. But now it’s a way for me to stay connected with the people who like my work. It gives me the opportunity to reach back and show my appreciation for their support which is really important to me.

Taylor Magazine: You must get nervous before you start a new role. How do you deal with nerves?

Haley: Oh my gosh, I’m always so nervous to take on a new role. And it’s the silliest things that worry me like, “What if they changed their mind and I’m not doing the character the way they imagined it?” Or “maybe they just don’t like me anymore!” But it’s always just nerves and it goes away the second I start working.

Taylor Magazine: We know that you like to write to deal with your emotions. How do you find time for writing on top of your busy schedule?

Haley: Honestly, I’ve really been slacking on my writing lately so I guess my busy schedule has taken over! But when I have ideas, I make sure to write them in my journal so I can come back to them later.

Taylor Magazine: You’re also into music as well as acting. Would you ever consider a career in music?

Haley: It would be a really cool experience, but I definitely prefer appreciating music over creating it. I’m super shy about my singing and I can’t play any instruments so I probably wouldn’t get very far anyway!

Taylor Magazine: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Haley: Hopefully on the big screen! I know everyone says it, but I really do hope to win and Academy Award someday.

“As an actress, I’m given the opportunity to tell a story in a genuinely lifelike way. I’m able to translate something from paper to the real world and I think that’s really cool.”

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