3 Ways To Stay Motivated This Autumn

by Sydney Wingfield

Inspiration comes from the admiration of the ideas of others, our failures, dreams and aspirations. After inspiration comes the motivation to get something done and accomplish your goals or dreams. But motivation comes into contact with its own difficulties, both failures and successes, that ultimately determine how our motivation will play out. Will we reach our goals or not? Will we keep on keeping on? Or will we lose faith and quit, or put it to the side? The answer to this question depends on ourselves and the situation we are in. Unfortunately, in some cases, the answer may also revolve around what time of the year it is.

When summer arrives, everyone becomes motivated. People get in the mood to get in shape, travel, and get things done in the warmer months of the year. It’s easy to become motivated and stay motivated, because that’s what we all see on social media.

But when the air becomes crisper, and the leaves begin changing colours as the sun sets earlier, staying motivated sometimes seems impossible. For starters, it’s cold. No one wants to do anything when it’s cold. People want to watch Halloween or Christmas movies on the tv by the fireplace. We want to stay warm and cozy and do nothing with our lives. Additionally, once it gets dark, we feel as though our day is ending and use the lack of sunlight as an excuse to not to go out and continue getting things done to the same extent that we did when the sun was out. Thankfully, there are a few tasks we can do to help increase our motivation.

Visualize What You Want

When you start to feel like you’re losing sight of what motivates you, visualise your goals or dreams that you want to reach. Imagine yourself getting it done, and then imagine feeling the relief and happiness you’ll feel once you’ve accomplished what you’ve set out to do. It’s important to keep the big picture in mind when losing motivation. Ask yourself, “What is the thing that I’m trying to accomplish here? How will it benefit me?”

Take Your Time

Take one step at a time. Don’t rush everything and stress yourself out about getting things done. Plan out your week according to whatever type of work you have. Breaking your goal into smaller pieces will allow you to feel a sense of accomplishment throughout each step toward reaching your goal, making you motivated to continue. Doing this will ease any stress you’ve built up.

Write Down your Goals

Sometimes, it’s easy to lose sight of what exactly it is that you want. So, grab a pen and paper and make a list of the reasons you want to accomplish your goal. Visually seeing your goal, as well as thinking about it again and constantly reminding yourself, will awaken the motivation in you and allow you to further work toward achieving your goals.

These steps can work for any person. If you have a day-to-day job, focus on these steps and you’ll remember why you’re working in the first place. It’ll push you to want to do the best you can and work towards your goals. If you’re in school, think of what your next steps are or where you hope to be in a few years. Picture yourself graduating high school or college and taking those big steps that will better your future.

Losing sight of the big picture is easy, but staying organised with your work and responsibilities and reminding yourself of your aspirations will spark the motivation in you, no matter what time of year it is.

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