5 Useful Tips For A Long Distance Relationship

by Mariana Gomez Ruiz

I have been in a LDR (long-distance relationship) for almost eight months, some consider it a long time, and some others very few. As for me, I couldn’t be any happier. Wouldn’t you like to change those ‘don’t-you-think-it’s-a-bad-idea?’s to ‘I-don’t-know-how-you-guys-do-it’? Being in a long distance relationship may seem like a lot of work, but here I will share with you these five keys that I guarantee will keep the sparkle shining.

  1.  Keep it exciting.

Details are key in LDR. Surprises are fun, who doesn’t like surprises right? Unexpected things are the best. You can go big and send flowers or gifts once in a while. There are a lot of amazing hand-made ideas on Pinterest.  Also, how about a little old fashioned detail? Letters are highly underrated, old fashioned, yet very original. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on gifts, though, sometimes those simple “Good morning” texts make the difference!

  1. Plan, plan, plan!

I once read that having something to look forward to, is the key to not miss someone that much, and it’s so true! Talk about the next time you’ll see each other, it will keep you guys excited. Make those rendezvous extra special and plan big! It won’t matter that you see each other once in a while, because you’ll have so many good and special memories to remember all the time. Make so many plans as you can, maybe even write a bucket list of things to do together.

  1. Skype and FaceTime are you new BFFs.

Apart from the old fashioned letters, you MUST remember that communication is enormously important, and not only for LDR, but for every type or relationship. Create a Skype or a FaceTime account and talk once in a while. If you have your schedules all filled up, don’t worry, even five minutes on the phone can be essential. There’s nothing wrong with talking on the phone, but adding that cute face to the voice is better isn’t it? I mean, come one, make some time.

  1.  Wear invisible headphones.

People will ALWAYS judge, no matter what you do, so, don’t let them into your mind! Take your invisible headphones and plug them in. You can only say “yes, sure, I’ll keep that in mind” and keep walking. Sometimes people tell you useless stuff, then you believe them and then you start having doubts, and all that for nothing! Don’t cause unnecessary fights for nothing. Just chill and close your ears!

  1. Faith, trust and pixie dust!

Remember that the best of being in a relationship is actually enjoying it. Enjoy the today, leave meaningless jealousy aside. Trust is also very important in a relationship, keep that in mind. Dream big with your partner (people tell me that I shouldn’t be talking about wedding plans yet, but we like to dream).


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