5 Questions For… Dora Madison

by Ceylan Kumbarji

We asked Dora Madison 5 quick questions but you can read our full interview with the Chicago Fire actress here. Recently, she’s filmed Ballad Of Tennessee Rose, and the Untitled Terrence Malick Project, which are both out next year. Oh, and she produced and starred in Night Of The Babysitter. 

Taylor Magazine: How was it producing and acting?

Dora Madison: We shot Night Of The Babysitter on 15mm film and it was a lot of fun. My duel role as actress and producer proved to be very challenging at times but came naturally to me. Next time though, I’d like to step back and only wear my producer pants so I can be more conscious of taking care of my actors and my director.

Taylor Magazine: If you weren’t an actress, what would you be?

Dora Madison: I’d just like to vagabond around the world and just do whatever I want. Surf, sing, make art, make friends and make love everywhere I go.

Taylor Magazine: Who would be your ideal person to work with?

Dora Madison: I really love Terrence Malick who I recently got to work with on “The Untitled Terrence Malick Project”. It’s with Natalie Portman, Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara and it’s about the local Austin music scene so I got to work with him a little bit on that. I worked for two days but I would really like to work with him again with a bigger role, something that’s more involved in the story. I’m hoping one day he calls me up and wants to do another film because I really love the way he works. Then, for actors I love Jessica Lange and I love Angelina Jolie.

Taylor Magazine: You’re really into music so who are you listening to at the moment?

Dora Madison: I’m really into a new band called Fat White Family. They’re from the UK and they’re awesome. They’re so solid and so effortless and cool.

Taylor Magazine: What are you watching right now?

Dora Madison: Game of Thrones! I watched all of the new season and I was like “I don’t have anymore Game of Thrones to watch…” so I started at the beginning again. I’m just realising all of this stuff that I missed the first time so that’s definitely one that I love. I would love to be on it! I told my friends that I would drink blood so I could be on the show. But also, I would really love to get into some more European cinema because I feel like they’re not as trapped by what’s typical and they’re just a bit more free.

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