6 Reasons To Hold A Job Down At University

by Melis Zumrutel
Taylor Magazine Minimalist guide to life

In all honesty, how long did you expect your first loan installment to last? You thought you’d be practical, didn’t you? Save your money, plan ahead and budget? Now it’s almost Christmas and you realise you’ve spent the bulk of your money on alcohol, food and costumes. Unless you’re one of the lucky ones with very financially supportive parents, then you’ve probably realised that you’ve only got enough money left to buy own-brand instant noodles for dinner. As for Christmas presents for your family? Well, maybe they like instant noodles too.

There are many reasons why holding a job down at university or college is a good thing. Here are 6:

You Manage Your Time Way Better

I get that studying, working and maintaining a social life doesn’t seem ideal but the reality is you manage your time so much better; trust me I speak from experience. Think of it this way; let’s say you have a deadline on Friday and you’re working on Thursday and going out in the evening… This means you’re more likely to get all your work done by Wednesday and spend Thursday, Friday and the weekend drunk. Time management.

It Looks Great On A CV

Did you think that pulling pints at the pub won’t look good because it’s not a ‘real job’? Don’t be silly. It shows future employers that you are able to prioritise, manage your time effectively and that you are financially driven. Any job is a good job, because it’ll teach you a new skill and you’ll be able to demonstrate that you’ve been trying new things and working hard to grow, whilst studying at the same time.

It’s So Good To Have Your Space

So you’re on campus and you see the same people, day in and day out. You live with these people, drink with these people, shop with these people, and inevitably argue with these people. Having somewhere to go aside from where you live is sometimes so worth it, just to get away from it all. For those hours that you’re working, you’ll be completely distracted (hopefully) and be doing something for yourself. This time away from your usual surroundings will hopefully allow you to develop a better relationship with people you see everyday because you have a bit of space.

You Develop A Social Circle Outside Of University

This is brilliant. Not just for the escape reasons but you honestly never know who you will meet. It’s always good to have many circles because there’s always the possibility that it will lead to something else, not just talking socially but for your career too. I’m not saying that you’ll just use people, I’m saying you can help them and they can help you as you’re all probably in the same boat. For example, if you’re interested in working in the music industry but the closest job you can find is working at your local bar, see this as an opportunity to meet and interact with new people who have similar interests to you. You never know… that A&R guy who comes in scouting musicians may need a new personal assistant one day.


Even if you do have financial support from parents or a partner, at some point you’re going to want to earn your own money. While no-one can deny that working and studying can be difficult and stressful at times, it’s an indication of what the real world is like: hard. If you start searching for a job, bag an interview and get the call later that week that you’ve been successful, you’ll feel great about yourself. It’s a confidence boost and a reminder that you are responsible for your own success. Getting a part-time job is the first step to becoming independent and learning to rely on yourself.


Let’s be honest. We don’t want instant noodles for dinner everyday… you want take-out and take-out costs money. When Christmas comes around, you probably want to spoil your loved ones and get them something they’ve been after for a while. It’s always a great feeling when that paycheck comes in at the end of the month and you can treat yourself and others. Stressing because you don’t have enough money to pay for your gym membership and your sister’s birthday present is never ideal, so get yourself a little part-time work and be able to enjoy the luxuries in life.

Happy job hunting!


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