The Sweetest Thing: A Cake for Every Occasion

by Irene Falvey

Cake really is unbeatable. It is the shining beacon of any occasion like a birthday or a wedding. Yeah, the rest of the celebrations may be fun but I feel that a lot of us are just secretly waiting for the cake to be cut. Or perhaps that’s just me? As someone with a sweet tooth, I find cake to be much more appealing than most foods! What’s even more enticing for me, is the appeal of baking one!

I can think of very few things more therapeutic than melting dark chocolate to make a ganache icing, or blitzing a couple of simple ingredients into a fabulous cake.

Cake, on the scale of treats, really just can’t be beaten. Cake is more special than a biscuit and less artificial than sweets. It is simply the champion of the sweet world.

The best thing about cake is that there is a cake for every mood or event imaginable.

Some days call for something light and zesty, others call for something sweeter or richer. Whatever you are up to, there is a cake to match! Whether baked or bought, the cakes below are perfect for cheering you up or for celebrating!

Nostalgia: Caterpillar Cake

If you have never tasted a Chocolate Caterpillar Cake, I suggest that you urgently try it! It is the taste of childhood birthdays; one piece can re-capture that naïve carefree feeling! The last slice is superior because it has the most chocolate!

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Mid-Morning Pick-Me-Up: Coffee Banana Cake

Mid mornings can be a challenge even to the strongest of us out there. You’ve made it out of bed, battled with rush hour and have started working. Somehow by eleven your stomach feels completely empty- so why not fill it with a treat like coffee banana bread? The coffee will give you a perk and the bananas will keep you going. It tastes amazing toasted with butter or Nutella!

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Dinner Party with Friends: Chocolate Lava Cake

Having friends over for dinner can be a nice change and a little cheaper than going out! Chocolate lava cakes can be prepared in advance and then just take about ten minutes in the oven to achieve that lush stream of molten chocolate. Ice-cream may be necessary!

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Summer Roof-Top Party: Gin and Tonic Cake

When the sun is out, something lighter and with zest is ideal! G&T’s are the ideal summer drink, so why not make a cake to match? While this is a summer cake it also is just a tasty in winter by the fire!

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For Chocolate Cravings: Malteaser Cake

Who doesn’t love Malteasers? Who doesn’t love chocolate? Or chocolate cake for that matter? Well, this beautiful creation embodies all three! Enjoy!

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For Sunday Afternoons: Ginger, Orange and Carrot Cake

Sundays are a great day for being lazy and eating just that little bit more! This is a great cake for any time during a Sunday- as part of a brunch, dessert or Netflix Binge companion! What’s more is that you can even kid yourself that it’s semi healthy because of the carrot content!

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For Picnics: Grapefruit Drizzle Cake

Picnics are an often forgotten, yet really fun and nostalgic activity. This is the perfect cake to bring along; it’s not too delicate and is summery and sweet! Any other citrus fruit can be used to make a similar cake, with similar deliciousness!

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For Afternoon Tea: Victoria Sponge

Afternoon tea is one of life’s little luxuries. While it is great to go out for an indulgent Afternoon Tea in a swanky hotel, a homemade afternoon tea can be even more fun! It also means you can leave out the bits you don’t like. One thing you can’t possible consider leaving out though is a Victoria Sponge! Yes, it may be very popular cake, but with reason! It is simplicity at its finest!

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For a Romantic Dinner: Any kind of Cheesecake

If you are cooking for a date, one sure fire way of keeping them sweet is making a cheesecake! Making a cheesecake seems impressive but it’s surprisingly simple. An added benefit is the stress relieving action of bashing up digestive biscuits, more fun than the gym any day! Although you can buy plain cake bases, it is better to be creative with your biscuit bases- why not chocolate digestives, ginger biscuits or bourbon creams? There are endless cheesecake flavours; Baileys Irish Cream, Raspberry and white chocolate, Lime or Mocha.

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For a Sleepy Hangover Day: Brownies

While brownies may not be a cake in the traditional sense, there are still very much cake like! And on a chilled out day of recovery, who needs rules? You just need brownies and lots of them. Add your favourite sweets or nuts.


Image result for brownies


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