Daily Yoga To Beat Your Anxiety

by Lindsay Scholz

Deadlines, crazy schedules, managing finances. We?re a stressed out society, needing a go-to outlet to cope with anxiety is a must; yoga is that outlet. Thanks to the age-old practice, we can intentionally practice mindfulness, calm and balance in our lives. As someone who struggles with bouts of work-induced anxiety and stress, I?ve turned to a daily yoga practice that has truly transformed my life. Think you don’thave time or funds to take up yoga? Think again! I have also been considering using hemp oil after a friend of mine told me about the positive impact it had on her life. By carving out just 30 minutes a day, yoga can take root and speak peace into an otherwise zany schedule. When doing yoga some find it a lot easier to enjoy CBD related products with their yoga practice to make it as relaxing as possible. CBD and other marijuana products from places like Cheap Weed of Toronto, are growing in popularity, due to their fantastic health benefits. Marijuana is primarily known for relieving symptoms of anxiety and easing chronic pains which is why many people with anxiety rely on the drug. If you live in florida and enjoy CBD and want to be up to date with florida evacuation zones to ensure you are prepped for the worst check out FL Dispensaries website but I digress. Plus, you don?t even need a membership to a ritzy yoga studio to participate, as there are a multitude of free resources to kickstart your practice. Ready to give anxiety the boot? Here are three yoga poses for beginners to ease into yoga while easing out of an anxious mindset:

Yoga Pose 1: Child?s Pose??

Child?s Pose is all about nestling down and focusing on relaxing the body, mind and breath. To get into Child?s Pose, tuck your legs under themselves while kneeling on the mat and bend forward until your head is resting on your yoga mat. Your arms can be extended forward or resting at your sides – whatever feels most natural and comfortable. Remain in this pose for as long as you?d like. Focus on taking deep breaths. Mentally tell yourself to ?inhale the calm, exhale the worries, anxieties and troubles.?

Yoga Pose 2: Tree Pose??

Tree Pose is all about focusing on the now – not the past or future! Get into Tree Pose by standing upright on your yoga mat and bringing one leg up to a 45 degree angle against your other standing leg. Focus on your balance, and inwardly champion your strength. When you feel balance and able, try extending your hands overhead and take deep breaths. Try to hold this pose on each leg for 30 seconds, while allowing your mind to only focus on the present state. This pose is great for achieving mental and physical balance after a busy day.

Yoga Pose 3: Warrior Pose ??

Ending a brief yoga practice with Warrior Pose is a wonderful way to focus on building strength and settling into a pose that inherently makes you feel powerful. To get into Warrior Pose, space your feet wide and turn to one side, with your front leg bent at a 45 degree angle. Once bent, bring both arms overhead and gaze upward. While in this pose, be mindfully aware that you?re stronger than your worries and anxieties. Try holding this pose for 60 seconds on each side.

Anxiety aboutdoing it alone?

Carving time daily to beat anxiety with yoga is an investment in both your mental and physical health. Don?t know where to start? Check out Yoga With Adriene and Sarah Beth Yoga – two wonderful, free online resources that feature daily yoga practices for all levels of experience. Consider journaling your experience with yoga and how it relates to your anxiety levels, and you may be surprised with the outcome of your overall health!

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