Easy Baked Asparagus Recipe

by Leviana Coccia

The benefits

Asparagus does more than make your pee smell. This vegetable (which is native to the eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor areas), is very high in dietary fibre and vitamins A, C, E and K. Like avocados, kale and brussel sprouts, asparagus contains a detoxifying ingredient that helps break down harmful substances within the body. Eating asparagus is said to protect against forms of cancer, like bone, breast, colon, larynx and lung. So, get baking!

Prime Time

In Ontario, Canada, asparagus is at it’s prime in May and June but many of us North Americans keep eating the delicious veggie throughout the summer months – and it’s still fresh!

Asparagus is most delicious when thin and crisp. The antioxidant, rich vegetable can be cooked in many ways… on the barbecue, over the stove and in the oven. Today, I’m sharing one of my favourite asparagus recipes. It takes under 20 minutes and goes perfectly as a side for any meal.

The Recipe

WHAT YOU NEED (feeds 3-4 people if serving as a side):

  • 1 bunch of thin, crisp asparagus
  • ½ a lemon
  • 3 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Salt and pepper to taste


1: Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

2: Rinse asparagus and cut off ends (remove about 2 to 3cms at the bottom of each asparagus. The ends are often very tough and difficult to chew. However, you can always keep the ends and add them to any green smoothie recipe).

3: Drizzle 3 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil onto baking sheet.

4: Place asparagus about 1cm apart on baking sheet.

5: Slice garlic clove and scatter on a baking sheet, on top of the asparagus.

6: Cut the ½ lemon into quarters. Squeeze each quarter onto the asparagus.

7: Add salt and pepper to taste.

8: Place the baking sheet into the oven, cook for 10 to 15-minutes, uncovered.

9: Cool and serve.

That’s all there is to it. Of course, if you’re an asparagus fanatic and this sounds like a perfect meal for you, cut the pieces up in half when you’re done and sprinkle on some parmesan cheese for a delicious dinner. You can create a side salad too, and just add some more olive oil, lemon juice, and salt/pepper.

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