
by emmalisa_tilli
Taylor Magazine Minimalist guide to life

Feminism. What does that word mean to you? Is it wearing a pretty lace dress to a nice evening occasion? Or is it more than that? Is it a character trait that speaks ‘womanhood’ such as elegance, sophistication, or more specifically, kindness.

The definition found on Wikipedia is:

the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

As a woman, is it a powerful word to you?

We recently celebrated ‘International Woman’s Day’, and in all honesty, I did not know of it till yesterday. Women from all over the world, … celebrities, politicians, hard-working women in different communities and countries all came together and honoured this significant day.

What is the most powerful thing about being a woman to you?

Most of us want to be a ‘Woman of Strength’, – someone that rises above challenges, looks beyond everything with courage, and being confident and comfortable in our own skin. Another point is embracing ourselves with self-love, and learning to love ourselves, so that we can then love others.

We aspire to be better in our workplace, career, motherhood, being a wife, and even in our businesses. We all want that power and influential impact on others, so being a feminist is an authoritative position wherever you are and whatever community you are involved in. I believe that if you are a woman serving for any community, you are already a strong, effective, important individual, so for me, encouraging women to feel strong, is another way of being a woman.

Learning throughout the journey of being a woman is a remarkable factor, and wanting to be a woman that learns is, I believe, very valuable, and I also consider that freedom is another aspect that opens up a whole new dimension. We think of equality, and rights, and the issue of violence against women – if we do our part, and work towards fixing these issues, then we have freedom.

On another note, I also had it on my heart to speak about ‘bullying issues’ on my blog when I was living in Merredin, and didn’t realize how much of it goes on in this world! I couldn’t believe even the idea of cyber-bullying! I felt like a woman, speaking out, and trying to do things that help alleviate these problems.

If you want to be a woman of strength, feminism, and freedom, then speak out, and get involved with your community.

If you want to be a lady that works hard for a better world, do what you can in your own community, find inspiration, and love doing what you’re doing.

My recent post on Exquisite Emmalisa was “How to find inspiration”, and I was inspired at the idea of sharing something that would inspire others.

Learn to be an inspiration as a woman, and go out and connect with people and don’t be afraid to share what is on your heart. It is life-changing if you do so, and I urge you to endeavor and strive for achievement in whatever you decide to do, whether it is in a small community, or big city.

Stick to what you do best as a lady, and the rest will fall into place.

If you have doubts, then do things that will help and assist, for example, start a blog like I did, or pick up an instrument – maybe you practiced an instrument as a child or you’ve always wanted to learn the violin or volunteer at the library. Talk to family and friends about that thing you have always wanted to do that has been nagging you in the pit of your stomach, like, writing a book, singing in the local choir, etc. There are plenty of things to do to be a woman of confidence. You just need to do something about it. My suggestion is to read up on your favourite topics, or what you are totally passionate about. For example, I love to talk all things Kate Middleton. Find your inner niche, and talk to people about what you love and want to do.

I love to talk about beauty, fashion, anything girly, and lots more on my blog, and that keeps me captivated, engaging and empowered, and I hope the same for you.

Stay true to your feminist side, and be empowered, and never lose sight of your goals, and don’t forget to share them with ladies all around you.

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