Happy Earth Day: The Taylor Team Share Their Favourite Places!

by Taylor Team

Happy Earth Day! We’re so excited for this day and it’s a great opportunity to be able to enjoy and appreciate the world. We’ve decided to share our favourite places in the world with you and would love to hear from you about your favourite in the comments below!

Ceylan loves… Hampstead Heath


Hampstead Heath is easily one of the most stunning places in London. With beautiful views, a peaceful atmosphere and endless greenery, Hampstead Heath is a spot that you’ll never getting bored of. It’s hilly and you’re always bound to see people going for a morning jog or taking the dog for a walk, but it’s much more than your typical park. While you can go for a run, ride your bike or get an ice cream, you can also go swimming, pop to Kenwood House or sit on a bench and take in the panoramic views of London.

There’s something for everyone and each time you visit, you’ll find a new nook or cranny to explore. It really is huge but feels like the countryside. The walking trails are lovely and you’ll find yourself getting lost in the woods pretty easily. You’ll fall in love a little bit more each time you visit. As we get into warmer weather, there’s no doubt you’ll be able to find yourself a quiet spot to lay on the grass with a blanket, a book and a picnic. Warning: you’ll probably lose track of time and feel peaceful for the rest of the day. Although it’s not far from the busy bustle of London, it feels like a million miles away. There are so many lovely pubs and restaurants within walking distance so you can make a day of it and head to The Stag or The Garden Gate after you’ve had your nature fix. It’s a place you can make some beautiful memories and enjoy, whatever the weather. Pick a bench and enjoy.London_from_Hampstead_Heath_(4153010758)



Adrian Scottow | https://www.flickr.com/photos/chodhound/

Adrian Scottow | https://www.flickr.com/photos/chodhound/

Rachael Loves… Canterbury


My personal haven is Canterbury. As an unabashed history buff, this medieval city is not only aesthetically beautiful but its streets hold so many stories, allowing the imagination to run wild with nostalgia.

With tranquil streams running ruggedly across stray paths, cobblestoned high streets and picture-perfect shop windows you may think you’ve just taken a step out of bounds into Diagon Alley. And while there are no establishments quite as quirky as the Leaky Cauldron on your doorstep, Canterbury has a plethora of quaint pubs and enchanting tea rooms to take your fancy all year round.

During the winter months the city has a cosy, intimate feel; in the pubs, you can snuggle up next to an antique fireplace with a bottle of bubbly and a complimentary blanket or you can aimlessly wander around the Christmas markets seeking out that intoxicating scent of spicy mulled wine and roasted cashew nuts. In the spring, revising in the park will never be so pleasurable and it isn’t hard to find some scenic pathways so you can have a romantic stroll, charming enough to grace the likes of a Jane Austen novel. In the City Centre, there is always an energetic busker livening up the atmosphere and street performances captivating the crowds beyond the sights of the … oh did I mention, stunning cathedral!

It is easy to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of the high street and those pesky tourists; you can discover a quiet oasis just minutes away where all you can hear are the songbirds and possibly the splash of oars along the River Stour. Yes, Canterbury can make you feel like you are living in a Richard Curtis Rom-Com. And I’m proud of that.

Canterbury is a quintessential English city truly characterised by its surroundings; the medieval footbridges, the timber-framed houses and old stone walls are all set amidst the gentle charms of nature. I immediately fell in love with this city, and since, I have generated three years of amazing memories within its ancient walls. It’s a true treasure that deserves to be cherished and celebrated, just like the rest of our beautiful planet.







Melis Loves… Erdek


The things you love, you feel obliged to protect. Here I am on Earth Day, thinking about my favourite place on this planet. It’s a place where I spent my 1st birthday, it’s where I spent my summer’s growing up and it’s where I got to connect with family who live hundreds of miles away.

My favourite place is a small seaside town in Turkey, called Erdek. It’s where my grandparents live, but it’s so strange to think a place I complain about having to visit so often, can also be this important to me. When you say ‘summer’ this is the place I picture. Now I’ve (somewhat) grown up and realise I have to spend less time there it truly does make me sad. A month has now turned into 7 days and who knows how long it’ll be before life’s commitments get in the way, and 7 becomes 0. You really have to appreciate the things that are important to you.



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