How To Carve Out Relaxation Time Amongst Holiday Plans

by Catherine Nicholls

The holidays are finally here! Christmas is all about family and bonding time, but sometimes it can get a little bit much.  You just about settle down to relax when your name is called – your great aunt needs help decorating the tree or your nephew wants to play with his new toys at seven am. It’s so lovely to be amongst loved ones that sometimes we forget it’s just as important to take a little bit of time for ourselves.

Schedule Time Out Before You Start Your Plans

We always think our future selves will be able to handle the things we plan out for them, but us in a few weeks won’t be any more superhuman than we are now. Three consecutive train journeys won’t do you any good, and no – those piles of work you’re planning to do on them probably won’t be finished either. Be realistic about what you’ll be capable of in the future, and schedule around this. Make sure to timetable in some ‘chill’ time, and don’t overcrowd your schedule – your future self will thank you for it.

Stick To Normal Routine As Much As Possible

The festive season is rife with spontaneity, which is usually super fun – who doesn’t love gallivanting through Christmas markets on a whim? A change from the day-to-day can be uplifting, but too much can be overwhelming. If you find yourself getting stressed by how much is going on, take a step back, and figure out how you can get things to be as normal as possible.

You Can’t Be Around People Constantly

Whether it’s a steaming bubble bath or an hour in front of Netflix, you need time to just exist.Let your family know your plans beforehand, so that they don’t feel rejected, get into your cosiest pyjamas, and recharge. Nobody can be around people all hours of the day, even if they’re the people you love most in the world.

Combine Family Activities With Relaxation

Is everything getting a bit too much? Does the house feel overcrowded and stuffy? You need to get outside. Bring the family too! Take a stroll along the beach or head to the park – a breath of fresh air will help to clear your head, and maybe tire everyone out a little. Added bonus: when you return home, that mug of hot chocolate to warm you up will taste just a little more indulgent!

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