Interview: 5 Questions For… Chris Lane

by Ceylan Kumbarji
Interview with Chris Lane

Chris Lane didn’t quite get into country music the way most people do. Having played football and baseball in school and college, Chris was set up to start playing professionally. But due to injury, sport had to take the side-line… That’s when he picked up the guitar, playing for fun at the start before realising this was what he wanted to pursue. Now, he’s released his sophomore album and is getting ready to go on tour with Dan + Shay and Brad Paisley this year.

We spoke to Chris and found out more about his country music career, his favourite song to perform and the exciting things he has coming up.

“At the end of the day, what I really want is to write music that people connect to as well as let loose and have fun.” – Chris Lane

Taylor Magazine: Tell us a bit about how you got into country music and how the journey has been so far?

Chris Lane: I grew up playing football and baseball so I guess I would be doing that right now, because it was my dream as a kid growing up. It was one of those things where I didn’t know whether to continue playing sport or pursue something else. I started learning to play the guitar just for fun and I worked really hard at that, and then I started writing my own music. The next thing I know I ended up with a record deal, got my first song on the radio and here I am now. I’ve had the chance to go on a couple of big tours so it’s pretty cool how things have worked out!

Taylor Magazine: For sure! Let’s talk a little bit about Laps Around the Sun. How is it different from what you’ve worked on before?

Chris Lane: Before I moved to Nashville, my first record was so different to anything I’ve made recently. I was really just trying to discover who I was as an artist. Sometimes it takes a couple of records. I feel like I’ve really found my stride on the second record and I found exactly what kind of music I wanted to write and make. For me, one of my favourite songs to perform right now is I Don’t Know About You. I didn’t really see it coming but the crowd reaction has been insane every single show. That’s one of my favourite parts of the night when I get to sing that song. I had no idea the crowd would react the way they did to that song, but at the end of the day, sometimes you’ll never know what people will connect to.

“As long as you go into the writer’s room and just write what’s true to you, and what’s true to your heart with the hope that people will connect to it – that’s the main thing.” – Chris Lane

Taylor Magazine: What has been one of the best career highlights for you so far and what is your favourite thing about what you do?

Chris Lane: When Fix hit number one on Country Radio, that was definitely a highlight! I’ve also been lucky enough to go on tour with some amazing artists and performed some shows that have been really memorable for me. Tour wise, there’s obviously a lot to look forward to with being on tour with Dan + Shay and Brad Paisley, etc. But I just really love to meet new people and see new places. I absolutely love that aspect of it.

Taylor Magazine: If you could work with anyone in the world, who would be your dream collaboration?

Chris Lane: Inside of country music, I would absolutely love to work with Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban, those big names. Outside of country music, Bruno Mars would be really cool.

Taylor Magazine: Incredible! And what are you up to at the moment? You’ll be coming to the UK soon – are you looking forward to that?

Chris Lane: I’m currently in the US getting ready to go on tour in spring with Dan + Shay which I’m really excited about! This summer I’m going to be going on tour with Brad Paisley, which will be great. There’s a lot to look forward to this year and I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens with I Don’t Know About You. I’m definitely excited to visit because I’ve never been to the UK, not even on vacation so I’m really excited about that opportunity. It’ll be great to see Europe! My ultimate goal is to hopefully come back to the UK after this year with my very own tour.

Check out Chris Lane, by following him on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube to keep up to date with his latest music news!

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