Interview: Claudia Oshry On Becoming The Girl With No Job

by Ceylan Kumbarji
Interview: Claudia Oshry On Becoming The Girl With No Job

Considerably one of the biggest Instagram influencers of our millennial time, Claudia Oshry, A.K.A Girl With No Job, has created a new type of online career with the help of her nearly 2.7 million followers on social media, which is a very large amount! You could even get this amount if you use instagram growth tools. Her dream job is “not needing one”, and with collaborations including Benefit Cosmetics, Captain Morgan and Amazon, she’s definitely making a name for her brand by just being her hilarious and relatable self. After building her online brand with Instagram, Twitter and her own personal blog (rightfully named, this Girl With No Job has moved to bigger platforms and now co-hosts her own podcast, The Morning Breath.

With an upcoming wedding happening to @boywithnojob and a new pup, (@pupwithnojob), Claudia is nothing less than entertaining and she credits her followers and social media to her fame. Claudia says, “I feel like I wasn’t really ever given an opportunity to think about what I would be doing if i wasn’t doing this, because it evolved…”

“I’m completely in love with social media and I think even if I didn’t have this amazing platform, I would still be working in social media in some capacity.”

Taylor Magazine: You’ve made a career being The Girl With No Job. How has that been for you? How was the jump from the social media to a global social media superstar?

Claudia Oshry: It’s been really cool – I think that’s the only word I can use to describe it because it’s so unsettling that I never know what’s going to happen tomorrow and it’s such a unpredictable place. It’s been jarring to have a career that’s been so unpredictable but at the same time it is so exciting and I’m so lucky that I get to ride this wave. I don’t know where it’s going which is exciting but at the same time, it’s challenging too.

Taylor Magazine: What would you say is your favourite thing about having your own blog and choosing your own content?

Claudia Oshry: It’s been really empowering to build a business where I get to be my own boss and make my own hours and hire other people, which is something I never thought I would do! As a 22-year-old woman that’s something that could be considered very rare. I wouldn’t have been able to do that if it wasn’t for social media and I’m so grateful for that. I would have graduated college and been in a job like everyone else – it gave me an opportunity to become an entrepreneur.

Taylor Magazine: And what would you say is the most challenging or difficult part of what you do?

Claudia Oshry: Hmm… the unpredictability of social media is scary. Instagram stories could have changed the landscape on social media forever. It didn’t, but when Instagram introduced video, it kind of took down Vine. Obviously, the points of the landscape and how social media works and how people engage with different platforms changes every day but that is really scary. It’s really important to stay in tune with what’s new, what’s hot, what’s coming up, what’s the new platform. Staying ahead is important so you don’t get blindsided.

Taylor Magazine: How did you decide to go for the funny angle and the relatable memes?

Claudia Oshry: For me, it’s just the type of person I am. I’m obsessed with entertainment and with celebrities. I’m just a weird, funny, outgoing person so it made sense for my content to reflect that. Then, when I was taking it more seriously, I realised that the relatable and funny content is what people are more drawn to – it’s what gets the most engagement. It was easy for me because I have a genuine interest in pop culture, comedy and entertainment and people respond to that the most.

Interview: Claudia Oshry On Becoming The Girl With No JobTaylor Magazine: Can you remember a point where you realised this was something that you could make a living out of and something you knew you could pursue for the future?

Claudia Oshry: Yeah, that’s a good question! The first time a brand pursued me to pay me for sponsored Instagram branded content, I didn’t even know that was an option. It let me into this new world of how really cool brands who are at the frontier of social media engage with their millennial followers – I didn’t even know that marketing on social media was plausible until I did it, and then I just ran with it!

Taylor Magazine: Looking at the start of Girl With No Job and how it came around, what were the steps for you to grow your following?

Claudia Oshry: It’s that aspect of being relatable. Every time I post something, I want to create a reaction amongst my followers where they tag their friends and say ‘OMG, Sarah, do you remember when this happened to us?’ and maybe Sarah doesn’t follow me and that connection is then made between two people, but it’s also made between me and a follower. I always try and harp on that concept – I remember when I first started on Instagram I would read these amazing jokes and memes and they would resonate with me so much, it would actually freak me out a little!

Taylor Magazine: What would you do typically on your day off? How would you spend it?

Claudia Oshry: The cool part about my job is that I do a lot of show recaps and podcasts, so it’s part of my job to be up to date on what’s going on in the celebrity world. A great chunk of my week is catching up on all the shows, so I can do recaps and make content on that. I feel like even if I was off, I would still do that because I so enjoy what I do. The fact that I get to watch TV and talk about it for a living is the greatest gift ever!

Taylor Magazine: You’ve said before that your dream job is not needing one. A lot of the time, bloggers and influencers get a lot of criticism where people say that what they do isn’t a real job and it’s not hard work, etc. How would you describe what you do?

Claudia Oshry: It’s very much a real job. Typically, older people don’t understand what I do and have this negative reaction when I say my job includes doing things on the internet and watching a lot of TV. But what people really don’t know is that it’s noon here, I’ve been up since 7am and I’ve not stopped working. The way I work doesn’t look the way a typical job looks. I don’t sit in an office downtown all day – I’m out having meetings with different brands, different publishers, I’m at home recording my podcasts, I’m making the Instagram content. Me, when I’m working hardest, is sitting on my couch – you can’t talk to me because I’m so in depth on my phone.

Taylor Magazine: Run us through a typical day for you.

Claudia Oshry: My day is split in a bunch of ways. A lot of it is meetings with different brands, networks or publishers who want to know about my work, work with me or write about my work. Everyone wants something different from me – a lot of people want me to speak at their work so I do a lot of corporate speeches. Those types of things are great for me because it gets my name out there with awesome big networks and brands. The rest of my day is spent at home where I catch up on shows, record podcasts, make content. Then I do a lot of corporate things, different speaking engagements which is a lot of travelling. I also do brand events, like red carpet shows or award shows for example – they often want real-time live Instagram posts, so they’ll fly me out to an award show to capture content about what’s going on on the red carpet and I’ll put it on Instagram.

Taylor Magazine: That’s so cool! What’s been the biggest change in your life?

Claudia Oshry: It’s so funny – this has been happening for two or three years now but when anyone gets a little bit of success, it’s so crazy because people come out of the woodwork and ask me for favours because social is huge and everyone is focused on launching their business on social media. Then people who you’ve not spoken to in years message you on Facebook.

Taylor Magazine: I’m guessing Instagram is your favourite social platform – is that right?

Claudia Oshry: I’m so loyal to Instagram because it gave me everything that I wanted and I love it. I’ll never not post on it but I love Snapchat. I have so much fun on it! It’s a favourite.

Taylor Magazine: So is Snapchat the second favourite at the moment, or is it tied?

Claudia Oshry: It’s definitely tied! Instagram is my business, but Snapchat is my hobby.

Taylor Magazine: What would you say you would take with you to a desert island if you could only take three things?

Claudia Oshry: Is there cell phone service on this island?

Taylor Magazine: There’s no cell phone service, I’m afraid!

Claudia Oshry: No internet. Hmm.. well I would take Ben, my fiancee, because we always have the best time when we have nothing to do. I would bring tanning oil and Diet Coke.

Interview: Claudia Oshry On Becoming The Girl With No Job

Taylor Magazine: Good options! Where do you live, and why is it your favourite place to be at the moment?

Claudia Oshry: I live in New York City – it’s my favourite place to be ever because I owe so much of who I am and what my job is to growing up in New York. It’s this fast-paced city – nobody gives a shit about you in New York and you have to make it on your own. That attitude of being completely dependant on yourself comes from growing up in New York. Taking the subway to school as a 12-year-old for example. I don’t think I would be Girl With No Job if I grew up somewhere else.

Taylor Magazine: You said you do a lot of travelling. Where is one of your favourite places you’ve visited recently and why?

Claudia Oshry: I went to Tel Aviv in Israel and I love it there because I feel so connected to my heritage and my religion. What people don’t know about it is that it’s the most fun party city… ever!

Taylor Magazine: What advice would you give your younger self?

Claudia Oshry: That nothing matters! In 5 years, you’re going to be so cool and confident that you don’t need to worry about what people think about you and you can just do your own thing, because you’re awesome!

Taylor Magazine: How would you cheer yourself up if you were having a down day?

Claudia Oshry: Food! Food always makes me feel better, but not a salad. I would do chips, ice cream and cookies.

Taylor Magazine: Tell us something that we don’t know about you – big, small or random.

Claudia Oshry: I actually grew up and was born completely blonde!

Taylor Magazine: What should we be looking out for from you in 2017?

Claudia Oshry: My social is always going to be at the forefront of everything up to date on entertainment – you can find everything you need to know on my podcast, on my Instagram. I will always tell you what’s cool, and what’s not.

Interview: Claudia Oshry On Becoming The Girl With No Job

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