Interview: Dorothy Wang

by Ceylan Kumbarji

When we first started watching Rich Kids of Beverly Hills a few years ago, we were hooked. With the right mix of humour and entertaining drama, the rich kids are both charming and hilarious to watch. But now after three seasons, Dorothy tells us we should be expecting more about the cast individually growing up and making big life changes. Speaking about how the cast have grown closer since the first season, Dorothy explains that filming has definitely created a special connection.

“We started off as friends but now we really have become family and it’s a journey that we’ve taken together. It’s so unique and it’s really something that you don’t understand unless you’re doing it so now we’ve developed a bond.”

Morgan Stewart and Brendan Fitzpatrick recently got married and the wedding will be documented on the show. Dorothy was a bridesmaid and said the best part was seeing Morgan.

“Even as a bridesmaid, I had no idea what she was going to wear until she revealed herself to us and watching her ceremony was so beautiful. It’s a lovely thing that they have together and obviously it was just so much fun. It was a relatively young wedding, but it was one of the most beautiful, touching weddings I’ve ever been to.”

Dorothy has been busy working on her businesses, including a necklace line and a sparking rosé line, as she focuses on her skills as a entrepreneur. We caught up with her to find out what to expect from this season of Rich Kids of Beverly Hills (which she described as an “emotional rollercoaster”), how the cast have changed since they first started filming and tips for females aspiring to start up their own business. Dorothy explains that it’s very important to do something you’ve loved and have always loved.

“You have to be very hands on with your business. No-one is going to care about your business more than yourself and you have to control every little aspect and make sure that everything is going smoothly.”

Taylor Magazine: What can you tell us about this season?

Dorothy Wang: We’re a year older, we’re wiser and the things that happen to us and the issues that we have are a little more adult and a bit more serious and long-lasting. There’s a lot of drama this season but it’s not just us fighting about catty things, deeper things get brought up, and situations that test our friendships and make us grow.

Taylor Magazine: Do you ever find that it’s sometimes quite hard to be filmed with things like that going on when it obviously can be quite raw?

Dorothy Wang: Yeah, when you find out something shocking and hurtful on camera it honestly does add a little bit to the tension and it adds to how you feel. It’s more dramatic and then you get embarrassed that the whole world is going to see you cry and they’re gonna see you upset. But, it’s part of our lives and it would be unfair for us to only show the good parts and not show the more unfortunate parts as well.

Taylor Magazine: How would you say you’ve changed or grown since the first season started?

Dorothy Wang: I always feel that when you’re doing a reality show you’re forced to learn a lot about yourself and you’re forced to see how other people react to you. There’s really a lot of self-realisation going on and everyone is going to be very honest and real with you and they’ll call you out if you do something wrong or upset them. I don’t think I’ve changed who I am but I may have softened a little bit. Because you’re all in a closer and a better place with each other, it makes you a little bit nicer and a little bit sweeter to everybody. I’ve calmed down a lot more and now I focus more on the positive and don’t let myself get too upset.

Taylor Magazine: As the show goes into it’s fourth season, that’s a pretty long time to be filming. What would you say is your favourite thing about being on Rich Kids of Beverly Hills?

Dorothy Wang: I love the memories we have together. As we get older, we literally have our 20’s documented. We have a living photo album of our lives and the memories. 

Taylor Magazine: Do you have a least favourite thing?

Dorothy Wang: I don’t really like the drama. I don’t really like the fighting, I would much rather be doing things and working on our stories and showing the audience amazing places and not arguing. 

Taylor Magazine: You’ve got a necklace line and a sparkling rosé line, plus you will have a jewellery line. Has that always been something that you wanted to get in to?

Dorothy Wang: I love champagne and I love sparkling wine, rosé and the necklaces. To take a luxury item and be able to deliver it at a more affordable price point is great.

Taylor Magazine: What would you say is the most rewarding part of being an entrepreneur?

Dorothy Wang: The most rewarding part is when people comment and tweet and Instagram about how much they love the product. When they thank me for doing something at an affordable price, that’s rewarding. It’s easy to overcharge people but it’s a lot harder to try and develop something that is still up to your standards and can be more attainable to the public.

Taylor Magazine: And what’s the biggest challenge that you’ve faced so far with your businesses and getting them off the ground?

Dorothy Wang: It’s a lot of work. It’s a lot of trial and error and it’s very hands on. I wanted to learn things step by step so of course at the beginning, when you’re doing everything by yourself it is trial and error. I’m very hard on myself. I’m a perfectionist. I did make mistakes but you’re allowed to make mistakes. If you were to make those mistakes you learn to never do it again and the whole thing is a learning experience. That’s why with a lot of the things, I wanted to start off small and I wanted to do it myself. There’s so many things that I still want to do, there’s still so many places I want to go, there’s so many activities, experiences that I would love to do and show people. More businesses, and more products in the future as well.

Taylor Magazine: So running your businesses and filming must get stressful sometimes. Is there something that you go to if you’re having a tough day and you just need to chill out?

Dorothy Wang: Yeah, that’s always important. I try and plan my schedule so that on my days off, I can really relax. I’ll go and get a massage or go to a workout class, sit and have pizza with a friend and just try and take time off and relax and turn my brain off. You don’t want to burn yourself out and then under perform.

“I would love to create a new jewellery line, a second collection would be great. I love robes and bath robes and would love to have my own line. Also, I’d love a nail polish line.”

Taylor Magazine: You’ve got a massive following on social media. What is your absolute favourite thing about using it?

Dorothy Wang: I really like to see the reaction that people get. I don’t know why, but I’m really interested in what people have to say, how people are viewing me, what people like, what they dislike. With my businesses, I always look at where the buyers are from, how old, what items they’re buying. With social media getting the audience reaction is interesting.

Taylor Magazine: Is there anything you don’t like about social media? 

Dorothy Wang: I’ve definitely developed a tough skin. In the beginning I did used to get upset, but after so long you have to get used to it and it’s been a lot easier now. There’s been a lot of positive comments. I have such a great following with people that are positive and supportive and a few of the negative ones just get lost in it. I don’t really chose to focus on them.

Taylor Magazine: What’s your favourite platform?

Dorothy Wang: Instagram is always gonna be my home base. But with Snapchat right now, it’s fun and more fluid. With Instagram you can’t post a billion things all day long but with Snapchat it’s a little more casual and it’s more about what you’re doing right now.

Taylor Magazine: You’re continuing to make a name for yourself as a lifestyle and brand expert, but is there another career path or hobby you would like to explore more when you have some free time?

Dorothy Wang: I love cooking and I love travelling and eventually I would love to do a travel/food/lifestyle type of show. I love to cook but I’m not trained in any way. I was thinking this summer if I had some time I would maybe take a cooking class. Growing up I would always watch the food network and cooking shows but I would love to really expand that and learn how to do things the proper way.

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