10 Questions For… Em Sheldon

by Ceylan Kumbarji

Em Sheldon has achieved a lot since she started her blog emtalks.co.uk four years ago, where she writes about beauty, travel and lifestyle. Her passion for health and fitness was showcased when she worked with Adidas last year to celebrate the launch of their autumn/winter campaign, where she was chosen as one of three bloggers to create a workout. Not only is she one of our favourite bloggers, but she’s also a successful entrepreneur and runs her stunning jewellery brand, LVNDR. We spoke to her about her brand, her recent travels and tips for staying healthy.

“I live by the 80/20 rule. That is, healthy 5 times a week and then the other 2, enjoy life and live a little!”

Taylor Magazine: Tell us about how you started blogging. Has writing always been a passion of yours?

Em Sheldon: I started blogging as a way of getting onto my degree at University, I actually never realised that the blogging world was so big (back then anyway!) I then realised I had a huge passion for blogging and continued to do it. I loved sharing my passions with people. I’ve always adored writing, particularly creative writing as a child so maybe that’s where my passion comes from!

Taylor Magazine: What content do you find most exciting or challenging to write about and where do you find inspiration for your posts?

Em Sheldon: I absolutely love writing about travel. I find it so exciting because I get to tell a story, my personal story and take my readers along with me. I find it challenging to write about personal experiences but I always feel cleansed and happy afterwards, like a weight is lifted. My more personal posts go down really well and I like to share certain topics with my readers. My inspiration comes from everywhere, whether it’s a trip I’ve been on, a new outfit I’ve bought or Pinterest! Inspiration is everywhere – it usually comes to me in the gym.

Taylor Magazine: How do you feel your blog has developed over the years and why do you feel like having a variety of topics is better than sticking to one?

Em Sheldon: I feel my photography has got better, I started blogging using the first ever iPhone so investing in a camera definitely allowed me to develop. I also feel like I’m more myself now, I open up the page and just write as if I’m talking to my best friends. I like so many things, it would be impossible to limit myself to writing about just one!

Taylor Magazine: How do you go about interacting with your followers and is this important to you?

Em Sheldon: Interaction is so important! I talk to them in comments, tweets, Instagram, on email! Anyway they’d like to talk, I’m always there to interact!


Taylor Magazine: Could you imagine doing anything other than blogging for a living?

Em Sheldon: Ooo, I’ve always wanted to do some TV presenting or have a TV show, or maybe a fun radio show?

Taylor Magazine: Do you have any tips for aspiring bloggers who want to make this a career?

Em Sheldon: Be you! You are your niche. I didn’t realise it could be a career, I just followed my passion so if you have a passion, follow it.

Taylor Magazine: Run us through your routine – what’s a typical day for you?

Em Sheldon: I wake up and do my emails in bed, have my oats and green tea and then head to the gym. I then come back, respond to more emails and blog! Every day is different, some days I’ll be in London for meetings too.


Taylor Magazine: You’re a keen traveller, what do you find most difficult about being on the move a lot?

Em Sheldon: I find it difficult to eat well. It’s hard to eat well when you’re eating out every day!

Taylor Magazine: If you could settle down in any country other than the UK, where would it be?

Em Sheldon: Australia! I’ve never visited but I feel like in another life, I was probably born there!

Taylor Magazine: What should we be looking out for from you this year? What do you want to accomplish by the end of 2016?

Em Sheldon: More travel, more fitness and better photography! I hope to finally complete a degree alongside running two businesses! I’d like to see EmTalks and LVNDR grow!

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