Interview: Louisa Warwick

by Catriona Beck
Taylor Magazine Minimalist guide to life

Louisa Warwick is beautiful, talented and ambitious. Born and raised in the UK, she found her way into modelling through an internship with a top stylist, where she learnt a lot about the industry. She decided that being in front of the camera was more her thing than being behind the scenes and was quickly signed by an agent in London. Soon after being signed, she moved to New York to model and study Sports Management at the prestigious NYU. We spoke to her about living in the big apple, her studies, working with FAIR Girls and Nutella crepes…

“If you really want to do something and you have the abilities to do it, being very dedicated and hardworking will get you far.”

Taylor Magazine: How was it moving to New York after living in the UK? Was it a big shock for you or did it come naturally?

Louisa Warwick: It came quite naturally because I was quite independent anyway and then once I graduated high school I moved to London. I was working in the fashion industry as a stylist so I was used to living in a big city. Luckily for me the transition to New York wasn’t too bad!

Taylor Magazine: You’re still studying as well as modelling. Tell us a bit about your degree.

Louisa Warwick: Initially, I moved to New York for school. I was at New York University and then I decided I wanted to work as well. I’ll complete my degree in about a year and I study Sports Management, which is a complete contrast to the fashion industry. I chose this degree because I’ve always been very sporty. I used to run for Great Britain and represented my country in athletics, so it makes sense for me to do sports management. 

Taylor Magazine: You’ve done a lot of campaigns. What was the most rewarding one?

Louisa Warwick: That’s what the great thing about Wilhelmina is. It’s such a prestigious agency – the client base is huge. In the past few month I’ve worked for Triumph, Guess, Calvin Klein and Dior Beauty so I’m working with really amazing brands and designers that I’ve always looked up to. I’m so appreciative of being able to work with these companies. 

Taylor Magazine: What was you most memorable day as a model?

Louisa Warwick: I shot a Cadillac commercial and it was freezing. It was a November in New York so it was minus whatever temperature and they got me to run and jump into an outdoor swimming pool at midnight! I had to do it six times and each time I had to have it perfect. As soon as I jumped in the pool, the water was a normal temperature, but when I got out it was around minus six! My hair and make up would be done again, as well as the outfit being re-done, which took several hours. That was pretty memorable!

Taylor Magazine: What do you do when you’re not modelling or studying?

Louisa Warwick: I’m usually pretty busy but in my down time I like to hang out with friends and I like to keep fit. I’m also working with the charity FAIR Girls, which is an anti-human trafficking charity. I’m starting to go into philanthropy so I’m really excited to start working with them. Through reading a lot of books and articles on human trafficking, the statistics are just shocking, so it’s a cause I’d like to dedicate a lot of time to.

Taylor Magazine: On a personal level, what is your aspiration for 5 years down the line?

Louisa Warwick: I want to see where my career in terms of modelling takes me. Modelling is going really well at the moment, so it’ll be interesting to see how far I get with it. I do want to transition into maybe marketing, sports marketing or fashion marketing. That’s an area that really interests me. 

“The thing about New York is you can just walk around and stumble across the most amazing things.”

Taylor Magazine: What’s your favourite thing about living in NYC?

Louisa Warwick: I like the buzz, the energy. It’s such a good feeling and it’s a great city to live in. You meet some really interesting people and there’s an energy of buzz and hard work and it’s so inspiring. The thing about New York is you can just walk around and stumble across the most amazing things. Restaurants, some of the biggest landmarks, Central Park. Just wandering around is the best thing to do. I like exploring. I feel like if you live in New York, you need to be busy. You have so many opportunities, you’re just wasting them if you do nothing. So I really appreciate being busy and working lots. I do love the UK. I always love visiting, as all of my family live there, so I go back every other month. But everything is going well with my modelling and university.

Taylor Magazine: If you could visit another country for a year where would you go?

Louisa Warwick: If I could go anywhere for a year I’d probably go to the Maldives. It’s so relaxing and so beautiful there. I’d happily live there if I could afford it!

Taylor Magazine: You mentioned that you’re into exercise and healthy eating. Tell us a bit about that!

Louisa Warwick: I do a combination of five mile runs down the Hudson combined with Barry’s Bootcamp. I do have a lot of cheats days but I exercise regularly so I think I can get away with it. To stay healthy, I do the obvious one – avoid bread and pasta. I really like Nutella crepes though. I preach all this stuff and then eat 4 Nutella crepes, which is worse!

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