Interview: Marta Carriedo

by Catriona Beck

Many of you will be familiar that Taylor Magazine loves dedicated, ambitious and business-savvy women. We discovered Marta Carriedo on Instagram initially and with 470k followers, we wanted to know more. After doing some research, we found out that there was a lot more to her beautiful Instagram – Marta is a content creator, has her own shop (Marta Carriedo Collection), is a TV host and even managed to find time to study and get a degree in Economics.

As well as juggling all of these jobs, Marta splits her time between Madrid and LA. With a true love of travel, a focus on happiness and a lot of ambition, we gained a lot of inspiration from Marta. She told us more about the recent places she’s been to, how she keeps herself content and what is up next for her…

“I am always just myself and my family and friends, in particular, help me to breath – they gave me so much dedication in myself.” – Marta Carriedo

Taylor Magazine: Tell us what you’ve been up to recently?

Marta Carriedo: I moved to LA more or less three years ago, because I was already quite well known in Europe, but I wanted to expand my followers and outreach into the US. I’m really excited because I’m growing quickly here and my following is beginning to increase!

Taylor Magazine: So you’re big on social media and also in fashion. How do you balance all of the projects your working on?

Marta Carriedo: I mean it’s a very complicated world, and extremely competitive. It’s a hard industry – everything has to be perfect. There are also many bloggers and new ideas that are being created every day, but I always try to keep my feet on the ground. I am always just myself and my family and friends, in particular, help me to breath – they gave me so much dedication in myself. It’s very hard and like I said, competitive, but if you know how to handle it, it’s great.

Taylor Magazine: How did you get started – what was your first job in the industry?

Marta Carriedo: I started my blog three years ago but when you don’t have many followers you have to constantly approach brands yourself for products that you’ll use once for a shoot and then hand those products back. But since my blog has grown, I’ve had the opportunity to work with many brands such as Pull & Bear, H&M and ASOS for example – it’s been amazing!

  Taylor Magazine: What would you say is the best part of what you do?

Marta Carriedo: My favourite part is that you can organise your day however you want. If you need to schedule a call, or a lunch or a dinner, you can do that whenever you want. You can find time for yourself and for your friends and family. It’s not an office nine ’till give job – I’ve had jobs like that before and didn’t enjoy that part of it at all! Also, I’m always travelling and I absolutely love travelling!

Taylor Magazine: Tell us some more about your travels! Where have you been recently?

Marta Carriedo: I’ve been so many places in the last few months! I’ve been to New York, Paris, Milan, London, Spain and LA. It’s been really fun!

Taylor Magazine: What is your favourite thing about travelling and going to different countries?

Marta Carriedo: I’m so happy and grateful that I’ve been able to travel so much. With no doubt, the best part is simply discovering new places and people. For me people are the biggest gift you can get – I’m so happy to meet all different kinds of people and cultures over the world.

Taylor Magazine: Where are you going next?

Marta Carriedo: I’m going to Iceland next, which I’m so excited for! After that, I’ll be back in Spain because I have some cool projects coming up next year.

Taylor Magazine: What is the hardest part of what you do?

Marta Carriedo: The hardest part, for me at least, is that I always try to be happy. I am very sensitive and things can get to me easily. People can be so critical in the fashion world and that is really, really hard sometimes. They criticise everything and are constantly analysing what you’re wearing or how you look. Also, you constantly need to produce something different because there are so many bloggers right now and you need to stand out. The worst part is when people don’t value your hard work behind the scenes. I understand that sometimes people can’t always like what you do, but people don’t always understand how much hard work goes behind a photograph.

Taylor Magazine: You use social media a lot and that is where a lot of your work is. How do you find social media as a platform?

Marta Carriedo: At first, I used Facebook the most. Right now, Instagram is the one platform for bloggers to utilise the most. It has absolutely everything you need on it.

“For me people are the biggest gift you can get – I’m so happy to meet all different kinds of people and cultures over the world.” – Marta Carriedo

Taylor Magazine: What do you do when work gets really busy and you want to relax?

Marta Carriedo: I love reading – I try really hard to read for 15-30 minutes every night before I go to sleep because it relaxes me so much. I also just love to be in my own company sometimes, so I have time to think about everything that is going on in my life, listening to music and just taking time in my thoughts.

Taylor Magazine: What advice would you give to someone who wanted to get into the industry you’re in?

Marta Carriedo: Organisation is key – when you are your own boss, you need to constantly be on top of your schedule. If you don’t do it, no one is going to do it for you! Get up at the same time every day, have breakfast and just work, work, work!

Taylor Magazine: What are your plans for the future? What should we be looking out for?

Marta Carriedo: I’ve always wanted to build my personal brand and I’m working really hard on that at the moment – so this is something to look out for. Also, I’m working on TV in Spain so I would love to continue to do that!

Taylor Magazine: What advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?

Marta Carriedo: I would definitely tell my 16-year-old self to simply just believe in myself.

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