Interview: Rebecca Louise

by Catriona Beck

Fitness and health is something that is super important – keeping a healthy lifestyle and looking after your body is key to being the best version of you, and exercise helps your mindfulness too. We’ve always loved fitness guru Rebecca Louise,  and managed to pull her away from her super busy schedule for a quick catch up!

We talked all things fitness, how she started her own business in the industry, the key to success in feeling good and what she likes to do in her spare time, other than work out!

“It is also important for your brain to step back, take some time and that is the moment that ideas and creativity flow. For me, when things are getting stressful I do the things that are time sensitive to that day and hold tight with the rest. Taking the dog for a beach walk helps me clear my mind or going for a workout forces me to not be able to use my phone!” – Rebecca Louise

Taylor Magazine: Tell us all about you and what you do…

Rebecca Louise: My name is Rebecca Louise – I’m currently based in California and I basically help people get in shape, become healthier and gain more confidence through my BURN fitness programme.

Taylor Magazine: When did you first get into fitness and health and how did it become a passion for you?

Rebecca Louise: I’ve always been into fitness, I did ballet when I was younger and played football since I was about five. I then found a passion for athletics and had always been involved in sport growing up. For me, being part of a team and having that physical strength and agility has always got me excited.

Taylor Magazine: Did you ever expect to go into this line of work?

Rebecca Louise: To be honest, I actually always wanted to be on TV and do presenting, so it took me a while to realise that I could combine my passion for fitness and health into this dream too.

Taylor Magazine: What is your favourite thing about this industry?

Rebecca Louise: I absolutely love the way my work can really uplift and help people. There is no better feeling than waking up in the morning and seeing so many positive messages about how much I’ve helped them feel confident and happy in the way they look!

Taylor Magazine: That must be a such a nice way to start the day, waking up to positive messages! Likewise, on the opposite side, every line of work has challenges too. What challenges do you personally face?

Rebecca Louise: I feel like the biggest challenge for me has been finding the right people that can really help you create your vision. I have a vision for what I want for my brand, but my biggest challenge is finding tech people that can execute my ideas. It’s so important to find the right people around you that know exactly what your vision is and are in it for the long run too.

Taylor Magazine: That’s so important if you’re building a brand!

Rebecca Louise: Exactly, I’m always on the hunt to find the right people for the job!

Taylor Magazine: There has been a lot in the media recently about body confidence. Why do you think, for women in particular, body confidence is so important, and how do you help women feel confident?

Rebecca Louise: Yeah, so a few years ago, everything in the media was about being a size 0 and when I was a teenager I suffered from an eating disorder, so it’s a subject that is very close to me. When I was around 15, I got down to about 86 pounds, but now there has been a real shift to a focus on fitness. Staying fit, healthy, confident and knowing what you’re putting in your body is so much more important now. Those people who are advocates for keeping a healthy lifestyle are finding that more people can relate to us now, because people actually want to know what their putting in their bodies and are focused on staying healthy.

“Staying fit, healthy, confident and knowing what you’re putting in your body is so much more important now. Those people who are advocates for keeping a healthy lifestyle are finding that more people can relate to us now, because people actually want to know what their putting in their bodies and are focused on staying healthy.” – Rebecca Louise

Taylor Magazine: It’s good to know that it’s all about confidence now and being healthy inside, as well as feeling good on the outside.

Rebecca Louise: Exactly – it’s not actually so much about outside exterior now, but the confidence that comes with being healthy and female self-empowerment.

Taylor Magazine: On a day-to-day basis, talk us through an average day and what it looks like for you.

Rebecca Louise: So, I usually wake up at around 5am, I’ll have breakfast, check my phone and emails. Once I’ve had a good breakfast, my mind is set for the day. I’ll do a workout around 9am, and then I’ll head into the office and get on with some work! Every day is different, some days involve filming, creating new workouts, etc. I’m usually in and out all day – my boyfriend thinks I work 24/7!

Taylor Magazine: If you want to work all the time, that means you love what you do! But if things maybe get a bit stressful or overwhelming, what do you do to relax?

Rebecca Louise: The best thing to do when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed is just to take a step back from what you are doing. We are not always the best at dealing with situations when emotions are high or we feel like it’s getting too much. It is also important for your brain to step back, take some time and that is the moment that ideas and creativity flow. For me, when things are getting stressful I do the things that are time sensitive to that day and hold tight with the rest. Taking the dog for a beach walk helps me clear my mind or going for a workout forces me to not be able to use my phone!

Taylor Magazine: Other than fitness and health, what are your other interests and hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?

Rebecca Louise: To be honest I absolutely love what I do, so I spend most of my time working with my team, helping people get healthy and coming up with new ideas for my brand. I do love getting dressed up for a fancy dinner with my boyfriend from time to time. I am always in workout gear so it’s nice to put on a dress and some heels! My dogs are a big part of my life and I take them to the dog beach most days. I guess you could say that travel is a hobby as over the last 18 months I have been to over 10 countries and really enjoy experiencing new cultures and seeing different environments.

Taylor Magazine: What is the advice that you always live by?

Rebecca Louise: It is very simple. Don’t take advice from someone you wouldn’t trade places with. Stay consistent, be dedicated and every step counts!

Taylor Magazine: Tell us something no-one knows about you!

Rebecca Louise: I actually came to America eight years ago to get my pilots license and I went on to get my commercial pilots license with my ATPL written exams from Oxford Aviation!

Taylor Magazine: That’s so cool! Lastly, what have you got coming up that we should look out for?

Rebecca Louise: This is a really exciting time as we have a huge upgrade of the app coming out in October which gives the user so many more features and a fun way to stay on track with their workouts and meal plans. Over the next few months, we also have our first merchandise coming out which I am so excited about because our quality beats anything I have ever seen in over 6 years of living in yoga pants! Lastly, we have a retreat next year to Bali and after the success of this year’s one I can’t wait to host another life changing week!

Keep fit and healthy with Rebecca by visiting her website, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

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