Interview with Amber Fillerup Clark from Barefoot Blonde

by Catriona Beck
Interview with Amber Fillerup Clark from Barefoot Blonde

Creativity is a big thing for us at Taylor Magazine. We think it allows you to build your confidence, feel good and boost inspiration. Someone that uses creativity in their every day life is Amber Fillerup Clark – founder of Barefoot Blonde.

Nine years ago, Amber decided to launch a platform to document all of her hairstyles and outfits, as she had always loved to be creative with these from a young age. Now, it has turned into a lifestyle platform from all things beauty to travel. As well as this, Amber wants to share her journey through motherhood via a creative space – which she has wholeheartedly achieved.

We caught up with Amber and learnt all about family-life, her new platform Barefoot Blonde Hair and what she would tell her 16-year-old self…

Interview with Amber Fillerup Clark from Barefoot Blonde

Taylor Magazine: Start by telling us all about you and what you do?

Amber Fillerup Clark: I am a full time blogger, mama, and business owner! I started a blog as a hobby back in 2010 which has grown into a career! I also run a hair extension company called BFB Hair.

Taylor Magazine: Where did your inspiration come from to start your blog Barefoot Blonde?

Amber Fillerup Clark: I was taking a trip to Fiji and wanted to document my trip for friends and family to see, so I started a blog! I always loved documenting and journaling so it was really fun for me to do it online.

Interview with Amber Fillerup Clark from Barefoot Blonde

Taylor Magazine: What has been your favourite thing about raising a family, and new family life in general?

Amber Fillerup Clark: Ever since I was little, I dreamt of being a mother so it has been a dream come true for me. I love seeing the world through their eyes and feeding off their fun, energetic personalities. They each bring something special into our home.

Taylor Magazine: Tell us more about Barefoot Blonde Hair. Why did you decide to start a hair brand specifically?

Amber Fillerup Clark: I have always loved hair and styling hair. It is a big reason why my blog grew! Extensions have changed the way I feel about my hair and have allowed me to do creative, fun styles and I wanted other women to have that same experience.

Taylor Magazine: The blogging industry can be a really competitive one. What are the challenges you face in this world and how do you overcome them?

Amber Fillerup Clark: It is but also isn’t. People love to follow a lot of blogs so just because there is a new blogger it doesn’t mean anyone is going to unfollow you, they just add that new blogger to their list of bloggers they like, if that makes sense. I also think because blogs are based around a person and THEIR personality – that can’t be replicated by anyone. It is for sure more saturated though and with the algorithm changes it doesn’t make it easy for bloggers to grow.

Taylor Magazine:What has been your biggest career achievement so far?

Amber Fillerup Clark: We just finished our second year of running BFB Hair which was a big accomplishment. I don’t have a background in business so figuring it all out has been really challenging but also very rewarding. I have learned so much and feel really lucky to have the team we have.

Taylor Magazine: What would you say is your biggest motivation?

Amber Fillerup Clark: As cheesy as it sounds, a big motivation of mine is thinking about my 16-year-old-self and proving her wrong. I really was pretty insecure and never believed in myself much so it has been really nice to grow more confident over the years and show my younger self that I am capable of much more than I ever knew. My kids also motivate me, I want them to see they can chase their dreams if they work hard enough.

“A big motivation of mine is thinking about my 16-year-old-self and proving her wrong. I really was pretty insecure and never believed in myself much so it has been really nice to grow more confident over the years and show my younger self that I am capable of much more than I ever knew.” – Amber Fillerup Clark

Taylor Magazine: We’re all about self-care and self-love at Taylor Magazine. What is your top tip for keeping a healthy mind-set and being the best version of yourself?

Amber Fillerup Clark: Being self aware and being able to realise when you are having unhealthy thoughts and habits and also just being able to motivate yourself to turn it around. It is easy for anyone to get in those funks where you start comparing yourself too much or skipping the gym too much or whatever it might be. So its not about expecting to never be in those funks, just realising when you are, and redirecting.

Taylor Magazine: What are your top 3 tips for staying healthy?

Amber Fillerup Clark: Start your day with doing something active that you enjoy – run, the gym, yoga, a walk around the block, anything. Don’t be too strict with your health habits that it affects your joy. I personally believe that feeling joy is the best someone can look, so even if you have your dream body but don’t feel joy, you won’t look your best. Have healthy social media habits so you can stay healthy mentally.

Taylor Magazine: Favourite travel destination?

Amber Fillerup Clark:Bora Bora or Italy!

Taylor Magazine: A fashion item you bring everywhere with you?

Amber Fillerup Clark: I love hats – I always bring one with me on vacation!

Taylor Magazine: Favourite recipe?

Amber Fillerup Clark: I am not much of a cook… so, does cereal count?!

Taylor Magazine: Absolutely! What is your five-year plan – what should we look out for?

Amber Fillerup Clark: My baby is coming in February so I’m just going to soak up having 3 kids for a bit and try to take things slowly. We have an exciting announcement to make with BFB Hair in 2019 and then it really will just be growing and working hard at what we already have going on!

Keep up to date with Amber’s journey through life by following her on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

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