Mood Food: Foods To Make You Happier And Healthier

by Taylor Team
Mood Food: Foods To Make You Happier And Healthier

The January blues might be well and truly behind us, but if you?re not feeling uplifted just yet, you?re not the only one. It might be time to try some mood food – things to make you feel healthier and more energised. You would be surprised at food’s effect on mood and how different you can feel after adjusting your diet.

The days are still colder and shorter than we?d like them to be and although spring is just around the corner, it seems to be taking an interminably long time to get here. If you find that you?re ready to curl up by the end of the day with your favourite Netflix show, a glass of wine (or tea), and your cosiest pyjama’s, you might just need a bit of a boost ? both mentally and physically ? and the right diet can give you this. Mood food is thing – what you put into your body impacts how you feel, so we’ve got a few foods for you to stock up on?


Salmon is not only a pretty shade of pink and perfectly delicious to eat, but it’s also a fish filled with the energy-boosting goodness that is omega-3 fatty acids. Essential to energy production and brain activity, it will help you to avoid that mid-afternoon slump, and also contribute towards improved circulation and a healthier heart. If you?re in need of some foodie inspiration, you might want to take a look at this blog post from on how to serve it up carpaccio style, with fresh truffle and rocket dressing on the side.


There?s a reason so many vegan and vegetarian recipes incorporate lentils, and that?s because they?re a great meat-free way of adding protein to your diet. Helping to stabilise blood glucose levels and keep your energy high enough to avoid dramatic yawning and accidental dozing in front of the television, they?ll make you feel far more awake and energetic.


Like most of the green goodness we see lining the vegetable aisles of our local supermarkets, kale has plenty of amazing health benefits to boast. One of the most impressive superfoods around, it’s packed full of vitamins and minerals, including copper, iron, phosphorous, and potassium, all of which have energy boosting properties. It?s best eaten cooked as opposed to raw, as this ensures that it?s nice and easy for your body to digest and that you absorb all of the important nutrients it contains.

Ginger tea

Admittedly, you don?t eat it, but if you?re feeling a little down and lacking in energy, we also recommend swapping your caffeine fix for a more wholesome alternative: ginger tea. Filled with lots of antioxidants and plenty of nutrients, it will provide you with a much-needed afternoon boost, but unlike caffeine, this won?t be accompanied by any unpleasant side effects ? we mean you, insomnia! If you?re worried about making your refreshment break routine more complicated, don?t be: ginger tea is actually very simple to concoct. It simply requires you to boil some water, add fresh ginger, soak, and spritz with a quick squeeze of lemon.

There are lots of ways to naturally boost your mood and improve your energy levels, and they require you to make only small changes to your normal diet and daily routine. Healthy, simple, and straightforward to implement, these easy steps really are worth a try if you need a little bit of help getting through this last bit of winter.

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