Moving Home: Five Tips To Make It Smooth Sailing

by Catriona Beck
Moving Home: Five Tips To Make It Smooth Sailing

Moving home – dreams of a new living space and planning and organising your new abode should be a joyful occasion, right? Or perhaps you are simply moving to a new rental after having spotted something like this Atlanta MidTown Furnished Monthly Rentals. No matter your reason for moving, it should be a fun occasion. Having recently moved, I realised that the whole moving home process can be a stressful and overwhelming time, and it’s also filled with emotion so it’s very, very easy for everything to get on top of you. I learnt a lot of valuable lessons during this process. Here are some top tips to make the process as smooth as possible.

1. Lists, lists, and more lists

Whether you’re a list-maker or someone who prefers to keep everything in their head instead, this is absolutely necessary when moving home. Without my trusty lists, there’s no way I would have managed to get everything done. Putting all of your to-do’s on paper makes all of your jobs seem like more achievable tasks, even if the list does seem endless. Being able to cross things off allows you to feel accomplished and as the list gets smaller and smaller, you’ll feel more and more relaxed.

2. Get packing!

My biggest mistake was leaving my packing to the last minute. The thought of putting all of my belongings into boxes and bags filled me with dread. If I had done this gradually and did a little bit at a time, it would have been a much smoother and less stressful task. By packing as early as you can, you have the chance to really decide whether you want to keep that dress you haven’t worn in years and make things easier for yourself when it comes to unpacking on the other side! Having a bit more time allows you to think about your belongings, downsize and minimalise.

3. A little bit at a time…

Whatever you do, don’t leave everything until the last day. I didn’t quite leave it until my move out date, but I was close. Bad idea! Plan your time and start at least three weeks before you’re due to move out. This isn’t just for packing but for sorting out anything that’s outstanding at your current place, bills, cancelling TV packages, etc. The amount to do really does seem like it will never end, so tackling these jobs as early as possible will make the process smoother for you. Don’t do too much at one time, because it’s more likely you’ll forget something. A little bit each day will allow you to get all of those tasks complete.

4. Ask for help!

Like anything, if you’re struggling ask for a helping hand. I tried to do most things on my own, and in hindsight I should have just asked for some extra help. Don’t take on too much extra stress, it’s just not worth it. Get a friend to come and help you pack your stuff up, and buy them a drink or dinner afterwards! There’s strength in numbers and it’ll take you both half the time if you tackle your summer wardrobe together. You’ll thank yourself – and your friend will love you for it! It’s not just the packing up though that you might need help with, but also you might be struggling if you have to sell your home first though as well. If this is the case then it might be a good idea to check out something like Sell My House to help that process go a lot smoother.

5. Don’t stress – and make moving home beautiful!

After everything, the most important thing I learnt is not to stress too much. Moving home should be an exciting and happy time. There’s a reason that you fell in love with something like these two storey homes perth wa. So just remember that, once you’re all moved in, it’ll be worth it. The main thing to keep in mind is imagining living in your new space, and remembering all of the reasons you’re moving – that will keep you going! The idea of doing up your bedroom from scratch and filling it with all of your favourite things or finally getting that new lamp you’ve had your eye on are things to be excited about. Focus on getting things done, and making your new habitat the best living space it can be.

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