Nomi Leasure… On The Choice Of Print Magazines

by Nomi Leasure

You must hear it a lot but reading your blog really makes me feel better when I need a pick-me-up. I just read your interview with Maniac Magazine and saw you said you hope to one day launch your own magazine. I would love to know more about this! What type of magazine do you aspire to create and is this something you’ve always wanted to make by yourself or would you want to co-found it with a friend/someone who has similar ideas to you? – Tami

Hi Tami,

Yes, I feel that if you want something done right you best just do it yourself. I’m a lover of print magazines, but feel the current market doesn’t really satisfy me as a consumer. One glance at the “Women’s Section” of a newsstand and you’d assume women were only interested in losing 10 pounds fast! planning a wedding, or knocking his socks off in bed. I can’t be alone in feeling that most women’s magazines are shallow and don’t satisfy all my needs as a millennial chick.

Of course collaboration is ideal. World domination requires partnerships.

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