Nomi Leasure… Her Life In 5 Questions

by Nomi Leasure

Michaela F asks Nomi Leasure 5 questions that tell us all about her life. And her ta-tas.

#1 What is your morning and night routine? 

Well, mornings typically go something like this: Snooze…snooze…snooze… RUSH! Nights are more brush, floss, wash, tone, moisturise, spot treat any zits-to-be with toothpaste, read, snuggle. I prefer nights.

#2 When did you start wearing make-up? 

7th grade. I remember the night specifically. Two girlfriends and I wanted to surprise a boy at school the next day so we all planned to wear eyeliner. I think over the years that same guy has made out with all three of us. So we’ll say our plan worked.

#3 Do you smoke or have smoked in your past daily or often? 

Cigarettes? I smoked socially in college, like all the cool kids! Just kidding. But yeah I would smoke at parties or when I was drinking and stuff. Then one day they honestly just started to totally disgust me. If I take a drag of one now it makes my stomach lurch and feel all queasy. A change of taste I’m very thankful for.

In terms of “the other stuff,” here and there. I get all weird and panicky still like a high school freshman. It’s annoying.

#4 How many languages do you speak? 

Solamente Ingles! See what I did there…? Yeah, just English and enough Spanish to get by and order a round of tequila shots.

#5 What was the most embarrassing moment of your life? 

When I took my driver’s test for the first time. I was wearing a strapless sundress with no bra underneath and at some point during the parallel parking section it fell down without me knowing. My ta-tas were on full display for the 250 pound man in the passenger seat. And I still failed.

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