Nomi Leasure… On Healing From Past Relationships

by Nomi Leasure

You now seem to be so confident in your relationship and I remember seeing a post on your Tumblr ages ago about never just being able to ‘be’ with someone, always being in recovery. What advice would you give someone who wants to get past that recovery stage in a formerly troubled relationship? – B.

You know the age old saying about confidence: Fake it till you make it! Recovering from a troubled relationship takes so much (boring) time. Sometimes it’s easier to just pretend like you totally trust each other while you wait for the groundwork to be laid again. There’s no sense dwelling on the past, or holding onto all the reasons why things got fucked up (despite how many times you may or may not have been right over the years… but I mean whatever, who’s counting!?) Sounds like you’re learning to trust again, and I can say it’s so much harder to learn to trust again than learn to trust in the first place. This might be a situation that only time will heal.

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