Nomi Leasure… On Her Favourite TV Shows

by Nomi Leasure

What are your favourite TV shows? I’ve watched all of my favourite ones at least twice and need something new and refreshing! – Sadie, London

These answers will embarrass me and shame my parents:

  • The Bad Girls Club – I know, I know, I KNOW. How in the world can one be a staunch feminist, stand for the empowerment of women, preach for the equality of the sexes and STILL watch this show?! All I can say is it’s the drama I never had in high school, and it’s amazing how you can crave something you’ve never known.
  • The Real Housewives – I know, I know, I KNOW.
  • Game of Thrones – *Cue Fire and Ice*
  • Broad City – This show is written, produced, and starred in by two amazing, racially ambiguous New York gals. It’s hilarious and true to the point on millennial female life. Like what Girls was before it become so self-aware, inclusive, and Hannah shoved that Q-Tip down her ear.
  • The Walking Dead – I watch half of it with my eyes closed and still have nightmares.
  • Sex and the City – Will never, ever, ever get old. Like Seinfeld, and the combat boots everyone keeps telling me to throw away.
  • House of Cards – A Netflix Original Series about Washington D.C. and all the creepy, rapey, murdery, scandalousy things people do to get to power. It stars Kevin Spacey who is sexy in that friend’s dad sort of way.
  • VEEP – An HBO show starring none other than the world’s wealthiest female actress (she comes from that old money) Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She’s an all time favourite of mine and is simply brilliant as the incompetent Vice President of the United States Selina Meyer.
  • The Bachelor/The Bachelorette – I know, I know, I KNOW.
  • Empire – So good in that incredibly dramatic way. It’s a take of Shakespeare’s King Lear and also the life of Puff Daddy? So yeah. Drama, drama, drama.

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