Nomi Leasure… On Her Favourite Websites And The Blog We ALL Need To Know About

by Nomi Leasure

What are your favourite websites to visit on a daily/weekly basis? – Hannah, Pittsburgh 

Well hello there Pittsburgh chick! Great question. Here’s a few of my favourite websites:

  • Twitter and Tumblr – But wait! It’s not what you think! I get a lot of news and inspiration from these sites. On Twitter I check out @Slate, @Salon, @ThinkProgress, @UnSlutProject, @Politico and some great journalist @JamilahLemieux, @brokeymcpoverty, @Karnythia, and @SeanKing. I live on Tumblr. But there’s just one blog you need to know. One blog that will change your life forever. One blog that is the blog of all blogs. You’re very, very welcome.
  • or depending on what city I’m in. They’re both local NPR stations where you can live stream the broadcast. Public radio is some of the last media I feel I can really trust. And it’s great.
  • of course!
  • – I’ve only ever ordered but two things from here but it’s my favorite site/company/brand. They’re ultra eco conscious and make clothing with as little a carbon footprint as possible. And they’re fucking so cute. And they have petities.
  • – Since I’ve moved I just keep this window open constantly. Because you never know when you’ll need to order a rice maker. Ugh, honestly my browsing history is so domestic right now. It’s all home decorating websites and fucking carpet outlets.
  • (yep)
  • And, as a saving grace here.

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