Nomi Leasure… On Unwanted Male Attention

by Nomi Leasure

So… we have a question for you. We were all having a bit of a stalk of your Instagram and saw the most hilarious comments from a very ‘thirsty’ guy who doesn’t understand that you definitely shouldn’t use social media when you’re THAT drunk. How do you deal with unwanted male attention, whether it’s on social media, in person, catcalling etc? What would you advise girls who want to stay classy but make sure they’re sticking up for themselves when guys are crossing the line and being disrespectful/plain gross? – Taylor Team

We just need to give up on these men, use them for brute strength, and expect nothing more of them. I wish I were joking but truthfully I’m not. I don’t know what happens when that Y chromosome enters into the genetic equation but it completely annihilates rational, good judgment, tact, and consideration. Having a penis I think actually makes you stupider. I deleted those comments you mentioned because, yeah, how fucking gross.

Unfortunately, unwanted male attention usually has to be dealt with gently on the part of the woman because, well, one of the sexes can kill the other with its bare hands. Luckily for us girls we get a whole lifetime of this unwanted attention that you literally become numb to it and it doesn’t bother you anymore. I don’t pay little boys any mind, to be totally honest. Comments like those don’t even offend me because they just never register. It’s literally like these guys couldn’t matter any less.

I think the best method of sticking up for yourself/remaining classy is just to kindly state that the attention is making you feel uncomfortable or is inappropriate. I’ve said things like, “I know that you’re trying to be nice but those comments are offensive,” or “It makes women uncomfortable to be spoken to like that,” or “That’s very kind of you but what you’re saying is inappropriate.” I try to use these incidents as teaching moments for guys who are clearly clueless on what is acceptable social behavior. It sucks to have to be nice about it but as we all know it’s not uncommon for men to get violent when being rejected. I’ve been told to go die because I didn’t give someone my phone number. The easy let down method is one I’ve picked up from having to find ways out of potentially threatening situations where you know all too well the type of guy you’re dealing with.

Or you could buy anyone of these products and just cuss someone the f*ck out.

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