Podcasts Every Twenty-Something Should Be Listening To

by Lindsay Ashcraft

In the age of glorified ?busy-ness?, twenty-somethings are no stranger to doubling down on the art of multitasking. Podcasts are especially tempting because you can listen and learn something while also doing something else. They have an incredible reach too, which is why businesses are using the services of a podcast agency with increasing regularity. Going for a walk? Throw on a sports podcast. Getting ready in the morning? Start your day extra informed by listening to a news podcast. It’s become a road-trip must-have and a favourite past time amongst Millennials. From culture to politics, here are five podcasts every twenty-something should be listening to.

The Cut on Tuesdays

From Gimlet Media, The Cut on Tuesdays is a brand new podcast from the ladies at The Cut, an online publication that covers a wide variety of women’s issues. What makes this podcast so binge-worthy is how real the conversations get. One episode they?re tackling a taboo cultural discussion and the next their dissecting modern ambition. Nothing is off topic and dialogue always feels fresh and relevant. It’s the type of podcast that will definitely help you have more interesting dinner table topics with your girlfriends.

The Goop Podcast

Love it or hate it, Goop has been making waves in the health and wellness business for nearly a decade. The Goop podcast includes Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop?s Chief Content Officer Elise Loehnen as hosts interviewing holistic doctors and celebrities, such as Julia Roberts. They also regularly feature New York Times bestselling authors and field experts in mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. It’s a little new age, but if you’re the sort to have crystals in your house and shop at Whole Foods, this might just be your new favourite podcast.

NPR Politics

This is my personal favourite, because, let?s be real – is ?I?m not really political? an acceptable answer in today?s culture? My vote is no. NPR politics is a weekly podcast that is a non-partisan breakdown of the week?s political happenings in the US and beyond. It?s a great way to stay informed about current events and stay an informed voter all year long. Plus, if it was ever possible for reporters to make politics fun, it’s the crew that hosts NPR Politics podcast.

The Daily by the New York Times

The Daily is a part of my morning ritual for twenty minutes a day, five days a week and I love it. I start my day informed with in-depth reporting from the New York Times on a single current event. By the time it’s over, I’m ready to head out the door and I’m already feeling smarter.

How I Built This

As twenty-somethings, we?re constantly inundated with the pressures of other wildly successful people we’re aspiring to be like. This podcast brings in crazy successful founders and CEO?s to talk about their humble beginnings. It?s nice to be reminded that even the most successful people were at some point, confused twenty-something-year-olds making mistakes along the way too. Did your favourite podcast make the list?

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