Say Yes To Success: Simple Ways To Optimise Your Workspace

by Idil Copur
Say Yes to Success: Simple Ways to Optimize Your Workspace

With the new year well and truly underway, it’s only a matter of time before work starts piling up. Be honest now – wasn’t stopping to procrastinate once and for all a part of your New Years Resolutions? It’s easy to motivate yourself to put an end to procrastination and promise yourself the lands of endless productivity and creativity when you’re under the glorious influence of the “new year, new me?? mantra. But the time has come to ask yourself – have you actually taken concrete steps towards that goal? Or are you procrastinating that as well? If you’re anything like me, you spend most of your time at your workspace. So why not start the change from there? After all, they say change is as good as a rest, and it might be just what you need to get work done. Here are some tips on how to decorate your workspace for maximum productivity and creativity

1. Kill The Clutter

This might seem like an obvious one, but it’s too important to skip: cluttered desk equals cluttered mind. Whether it’s your home or office desk, excess things in your surroundings can hinder your ability to focus by overloading your mind, causing stress and making you feel as if you have more on your plate than you actually have, which will impair your ability to think creatively and freely. Why not invest in some desk organisers or office supplies from a website like Office Monster to get rid of the clutter? It’s also a good idea to set up a daily cleanse routine – if you set time aside to clean your desk at the end of every work day, you’ll have a clean slate to start the next day with. There are a lot of people who find that they can’t work at home, and need somewhere outside of their house to get those creative juices flowing, so they might find that doing something like looking into london offices might be an interesting choice for them. It’s important to remember that everyone is different, what might be right for you, may not be right for others. Choosing something like Serviced Offices In Central London From Be Offices for your business may be a good way to improve your workflow as there is nightly and daily cleaning and the operations side of the office is taken care of so the business can take care of the business without any other worries.

2. Light Your Workspace Up

There’s a reason why SAD (seasonal affective disorder) is more common in winter. Natural light is a natural mood booster, and when winter takes that away, your energy level drops and you start feeling sluggish. The remedy? More natural light! The more natural light your desk gets, the more elevated your mood will be as you’re tackling those deadlines. Try arranging your desk as close to the windows as possible. You’ll notice the difference in your creativity and productivity right away.

3. Add Life With Living Things

What better way to brighten and revive your workspace than by adding a few plants or even a small fishbowl to your desk? Looking at plants sitting on your desk and fish swimming in tanks can get your creative juices flowing. Having fish and plants in your immediate environment is linked to improved performance and provides a sense of peace that can help you stay focused on your work and remain calm throughout your study and work sessions. Try getting some non-fussy and funky cacti, aloe vera or succulents to add some life to your workspace.

4. Put Up Your Favourite Motivational Quotes

When work seems too daunting, or if you’re working close to the deadline, you may need a little more motivation than usual. At times like this, it’s good to be able to look up your wall and be reminded of what you area capable of. Keeping your favourite motivational quotes right where you can see them while working will help you add an extra splash of creativity to your work! Make sure to check out Taylor Magazine’s Instagram account for a dose of inspiration for your motivation corner.

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