Self Love

by Taylor Team
Taylor Magazine Minimalist guide to life

Self love is defined as a journey or a quest to redefine the love we have for our mind, soul and entire being.

However, I rather look at it as an adventure that we get to discover every day. I think it is important for our mental and physical health that we create plans and strategies to allow our consciousness five minutes each day to remember that we are all human, we are all made up of matter and indeed, we all do matter.

A great way to get back to your roots and to thank yourself in through mantras. Mantras can be performed anytime of the day, rail/hail or shine and anywhere you like! However, if you feel like drawing energy from the universe, it is best to be standing (sitting etc) on the grass/ground outside. Close your eyes. Inhale. Exhale. And repeat after me.

I am peaceful. I am powerful. I am pure. I am peaceful. I am powerful. I am pure.

Mantras are words of wisdom spoken straight from the heart, mind and soul. It’s important to create a mantra that suits you and works well for you. It’s important to be gentle on your mind, body and soul so don’t rush through your mantras. Take your time and allow yourself to be fully immersed in the moment and in the process of thanking yourself and the universe.

It is important to love yourself, because that is the stepping stone to the great beyond.

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