Take The Stress Out: Where To Try These Fitness Activities

by Liz Rae

I’m not your typical traveller. I like to explore the world with a workout in mind. Where can I catch the best waves? Where can I get the best stretch? What’s the highest mountain I can climb? What is the strangest tennis court I can play on? I know that after a long, long flight, the last thing I want to do is walk around for hours. I want to get out all the kinks, de-stress and feel alive.

No matter what climate you’re in, no matter what kind of weather is thrown at you, and no matter what your budget is, there is always time to get a quick workout in. You don’t have to be an expert on fitness, but instead, try what you know and branch out from there. You never know what types of workouts you’ll bring home…

What To Do In The Humidity 

Humid climates aren’t good for much. If you’ve ever been to India in May, you’ll know why. There is nowhere more humid than India in May. With it being this hot, the last thing anyone wants to do is sweat anymore than they already are. Instead of exhausting your body to nothingness, try hot yoga. You’ve already got the weather, so why not bust a few moves in the park nearby or the greenery down the street? Hot yoga is the best in multiple countries in the Middle East, including India, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, and also in certain countries in Africa like Sudan and Somalia.

What To Do In Cold Climates

There are so many options for cold climates. Besides the obvious like snowboarding and skiing, why not learn how to dogsled or ice skate? And if you’re going to snowboard or ski, look for countries besides Switzerland (even though it’s a great place!) such as Russia, Ireland, or Finland to try out these sports.

What To Do In Temperate Climates

I love California. The weather is perfect, and I can do just about anything. Other countries such as Australia and Spain also have some of the most perfect weather in the world. Instead of doing your usual when travelling, why not try hiking, surfing, paddle boarding (or yoga paddle boarding!), tennis, or even skateboarding? Whatever you choose to do in this climate, go all out! This is the best climate, so enjoy every moment of it.

What To Do In A Dry Climate

Don’t confuse a dry climate with a temperate climate – a dry climate is mainly desert area. While it may not be as humid as a humid climate, it is definitely just as dangerous. Some of the most beautiful countries in the world have a dry climate, including South Africa, Mexico, and almost all of Northern Africa, including places like Egypt! It’s the perfect opportunity to take a run on the beach, through the mountains, or in the desert. Because of it being so dry, sunscreen is a necessity. You can easily burn after just half an hour of being outside.

Travelling the world also means trying new things, including a new fitness activity. Exercise is known to release endorphin’s and we’re always told how good it is for us, so why not use our trips to de-stress and take in the world around us?

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