Thank You For Loving Me While I Continuously Learn To Love Myself

by Rebecca Howe
Taylor Magazine Minimalist guide to life

The real MVP is the significant other who has stood by us through it all – insecurities, body image, career paths, the past, etc. They stand by our side while we continuously try to make up our minds and love ourselves. So a much overdue thank you is in order because you, the real MVP, have supported us and coached us through all the hard times in life. There’s really no one else like you.

Thank you for loving me while I continuously learn to overcome my insecurities. Whether it may be my anxiety or my physical appearance, you have been there to reassure me that everything will be OK, I am not alone, and I am beautiful, even when I don’t feel it.

Thank you for loving me while I continuously learn to love my body. It’s been a long, hard journey, but I found a healthy way to live in my body and not hate it, which you have been by my side the whole time. You’ve seen me at my worst – sad, binge eating, and unmotivated to do anything, and you’ve seen me at my best – happy, healthy, fit, and highly motivated to go after my dream body. Through both of those times, you supported me no matter what.

Thank you for loving me while I continuously learn to find my career path in life. You’ve supported me and cheered me on while I find my niche in the field I want to be in. You know when to give me a little push and when to back off and let me decide. You reassure that I am good enough on days I don’t feel good enough and tell me I can do anything I put my mind to.

Thank you for loving me while I continuously learn to accept my past. You know what I’ve been through, and you understand that I just need time to accept what happened. You continue to love me while I let go more and more it each day. Because of that, I am able to focus more on you and us.

Thank you for loving me while I continuously learn to love myself, inside and outside. It’s been a long road, but you’ve decided to stick by my side no matter what. I appreciate the extra long talks, supportive words, and hugs through all of these times. But most of all, I am extremely grateful for you being my person and loving me unconditionally.

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