Why You Need To Get Away For Thanksgiving

by Abigail Pore

Thanksgiving is a time that is often overlooked in the busyness of the Holiday Season. Between Black-Friday being advertised from November 1st and the narrow window of time away from work; it can be hard to stop and be thankful for all the things that usually bombard us. That’s why it’s important to take some time to step away from your typical mindset and go somewhere different for Thanksgiving.

Ways it can help

My family has gone to the beach for Thanksgiving for the past three years and it puts me in a completely different frame of mind. The beach is the fun world where I can find things to be grateful for, but what makes me truly thankful is the chance to reflect on my life from a distance. I’m still with my family who I’m thankful for, but I’m away from the stress of classes and the minor inconveniences that sometimes build up until it feels suffocating.

Getting away doesn’t always mean travelling

When you aren’t around the little things, it’s easier to appreciate them. Sleeping in a different bed typically makes you think of your own. It’s a good time to reflect on your home and the people in it that make it important. But it doesn’t have to be as big as going on vacation for Thanksgiving. Go to the park in the morning before your traditional festivities and appreciate nature. Reflect on everything that’s brought your life to where it is. Maybe take your younger family members for a walk. Meet your friends at your favorite spot and have your own celebration away from the pressure of daily life.

What we’re thankful for

Everyone has their own ways of celebrating, but it’s important to remember what you’re trying to celebrate. It’s not about the food or even about who’s showing up to dinner. It’s about looking back at the past year and the years before it and being thankful for everything you’ve been given. Sometimes it’s even being thankful for the hard moments. Maybe you haven’t always had the money that you do now. Why not step away from it all, and express thanks for the people who’ve helped you in your time of need. Or for the skills that you learned to bring yourself into your current situation. Any lesson we learn, whether it’s positive or negative, shapes us in some way. Take a moment or two to be thankful for yourself. Self-love isn’t selfish and recognizing your own growth will encourage growth in the future.

The benefits

Whether you’re going on vacation, breaking a routine or simply stepping back from the busyness for five minutes; getting away (at least mentally) for Thanksgiving will help you appreciate yourself and what you have even more. Plus, it’ll set you up for the holiday season and prepare your heart and mind to give back to the important people in your life.

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