The Four Key Self-Growth Lessons The Sun And Her Flowers Taught Me

by Catriona Beck

When I discovered Rupi Kaur’s original poetry book milk and honey, I wasn’t sure how her next piece of work could match its beauty. But, Kaur should not be under-estimated, as the sun and her flowers is just as good, if not better.

Delving deeply into the process of self-growth, the sun and her flowers is based entirely upon this theme with five chapters: wilting; falling; rooting; rising and blooming. Kaur tells a raw tale of emotion and discusses all-consuming issues that many of her young female audience will experience.

She has a fluidity of writing in the sun and her flowers that allows each poem to glide into another – I had that moment of perfection that comes with reading where you flick through the pages and lose track of time.

Many young women in today’s society seek acceptance and love and unfortunately, we’re faced with unattainable comparisons every day. But, there are things in life that make these things a little easier to deal with. For me, it’s Rupi Kaur’s little book about self-growth.

“what is the greatest lesson a woman should learn

that since day one

she’s already had everything she needs

within herself

it’s the world that convinced her she did not”

You can be anyone you want to be. Throughout history, women have suffered inequality and sadly, it’s still happening. But, Rupi reminds us that women are powerful, women are strong and women are successful. Be who you want to be, and don’t let anyone stop you.

“it was when i stopped searching for

home within others

and lifted the foundations of home

within myself

i found there were no roots more


than those between a mind and body

that have decided to be whole”

Take your time. If you’re lacking confidence and find yourself comparing your life with others, it’s normal and it’s ok to take your time to find your inner self-belief and self-love. Take all the time you need to be yourself, and focus on being the best version of you.

“despite knowing

they won’t be here for long

they still choose to live

their brightest lives”

– Sunflowers

Live your brightest life. Life isn’t always bright and it comes with highs and lows, but make sure you’re making the most of it. Do things that make you happy, surround yourself with people that make you smile and remind yourself every day, that life is good.

“this is the recipe of life

said my mother

as she held me in her arms as i wept

think of those flowers you plant

in the garden each year

they will teach you

that people too

must wilt




in order to bloom”

It’s ok to not be ok. If you feel sad, if you’re lacking confidence, if you just feel that life isn’t as colourful as it should be, that’s ok. As Rupi so delicately says, you must experience the bad in life to get to the root of the good. Embrace those sad feelings, take them, and know that happiness is always around the corner. Keep going.

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