The Small Town Scene: What It’s Like To Live In One

by Cathryn Curry Hasz
The Small Town Scene: What It's Like To Live In One

There are pros and cons with everything: Eat too much ice cream, you have to do more squats. Watch too much sci-fi, reality TV becomes too bland. Party too hard, fall asleep in an important meeting at work. The same is true for where you live, and more specifically, growing up in a small town.

Small towns have their own unique pace. Locals use colloquial expressions that are universal to them but outsiders will find amusing such as “going into town,” or “heading down the hill.” Rural towns typically have limited entertainment for people of all ages. Small towns oftentimes are unincorporated, meaning their funding and budgets are dictated by the county and are not allocated enough income to invest in entertainment, venues and other activities that people can participate in.

Venture Out & Get Creative

The upside to not having entertainment options locally is that it encourages locals to research activities and events taking place in surrounding areas. The result is that the locals know their town, inside and out, but also become familiar with the surrounding towns that they visit for entertainment. The most troublesome downside to a lack of safe activities for small-town locals is that people get bored and restless. Individuals, who don’t have the means of leaving town to go elsewhere, seek out entertainment however possible.

Alternately, boredom can also lead to creative genius. Lack of formal entertainment can lead motivated individuals to pick up hobbies such as art and music. Many amazing artists and musicians come out of small towns because they devote all of their downtime to practicing their craft. Small towns often times have large artist communities and have farmers markets, art walks and wine events where local artists can display and sell their work.

You Know A TON Of People

Any dreams of going to the local grocery store in your PJs are ruined. Trips to the store involve greeting a handful of people you know from school or work. The hindrance of PJ outings aside, it’s beneficial to know a lot of people in a small town. If you’re ever stuck on the side of the road with a flat, at least 10 people will stop to see if they can lend a hand. Your neighbour will always watch your house when you’re away and are willing and able to lend that cup of sugar if you need. The friends that you make in school can last a lifetime, and the boy you meet at the local music store can end up stealing your heart.

The sense of community and familiarity makes you feel at home no matter where you are. There’s a sense of nostalgia and belonging that would be hard to replicate in the big city. Visitors and locals enjoy picturesque outdoor activities such as hiking and biking, and the less overall public attention means a decrease in pollution and smog. The result is beautiful scenery and a tranquil environment to grow up or raise a family in.

The Businesses That Open Are Usually Family Owned And Strongly Supported By The Community

The companies run primarily on word-of-mouth and don’t have to invest a lot in their marketing budgets. This business methodology leads to more honest business practices since the reputation of the business and the establishment of trust is more important than the sale. The families have roots in the community and are invested in each other’s success.

Living in a small town enables residents to have peace and quiet, live at a slower pace, and enjoy the breathtaking views of a night sky littered with stars and without light pollution. The tight-knit community is supportive and friendly, and willing to help in any situation. The crime rates are lower, and the school systems are well structured so it’s an ideal place to raise a family. So you may have to drive an hour or so to make major purchases, and you may not see the new Marvel film opening night, but growing up in a small town teaches values such as patience and helpfulness, and how to be part of a community.

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