Three People We Love Who Are Living A Minimalist Life

by Catriona Beck
3 People We Love Who Are Living A Minimalist Life

At Taylor Magazine, focusing on the essential things in life is so important to us. We believe that by having a minimalist lifestyle, you can become the best possible version of yourself. If you’re a celebrity in the spotlight, living a minimalist life must face its difficulties. But we believe these three inspiring women are living minimally… and we love how they’re doing it.

A Minimalist Life – Three Inspirational Women We Admire

Lauren Conrad

To us, Lauren Conrad encompasses everything that comes with living a minimalist life. Although Lauren has a variety of titles under her belt like bestselling author, fashion designer, TV personality and philanthropist, she still finds time to keep it simple, concentrating on quality, not quantity.

Staying grounded is something Lauren does so well, regardless of the fame that came so quickly for her. She is relatable and it’s easy to feel like you know her — she continuously writes for, where her readers and fans can hear directly from Lauren herself, as well as having Lauren’s beauty tips, style advice, recipe ideas and keeping fit regimes at their fingertips.

As well as staying close to her fanbase, Lauren also gives back to the wider community with her non-profit organisation, The Little Market. The Little Market was “founded by women to empower women”, with its aim to create sustainable partnerships with artisans all over the globe through an online platform, ultimately helping women overcome poverty.

With articles on, such as: “Tuesday Ten: Why I’m Trading In My Trend-Driven Wardrobe for These 10 Classics”, we love the minimalist life Lauren strives to live.

3 People We Love Who Are Living A Minimalist Life

Photo Credit | Instagram – @zooeydeschanel

Zooey Deschanel

It’s no secret that Zooey Deschanel is a successful actress, and with fame, comes money. The difference with Zooey? She manages her money extremely well. One important thing about living a minimalist life is focusing on the essentials. By not spending her money on things she doesn’t need, Zooey is able to invest, save and build her assets. Zooey is also known to love thrift shops. In an interview for InStyle, she says: “Style isn’t when you buy yourself the most expensive things. It’s being creative and able to put together what you’ve collected.” With a mindset like this, it’s definitely worth taking some minimalist lifestyle tips from Zooey.

As well as being money savvy, Zooey is also known for her charitable work, giving to those less fortunate. According to TMZ, Zooey donates $1,500 a month to charity. One organisation she is known to support is Mercy For Animals, where she has signed letters to show her support in ending animal cruelty.

She also founded an online feel-good community for women – HelloGiggles – with two of her friends. Described as “a place on the Internet to inspire a smile”, Zooey continuously contributes to the site, giving her fans an insight into her thoughts and interests.

3 People We Love Who Are Living A Minimalist Life

Photo Credit | Instagram – @sarahjessicaparker

Sarah Jessica Parker

Most well-known for her portrayal of Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, Sarah Jessica Parker is very different to the character she so famously represents.

Sarah is particularly humble and was brought up in a family of eight, often facing struggles growing up. Now, despite the fact she’s an extremely successful, well-known actress, she stresses the importance of family and being a mother. She firmly believes that she’s just like any other working mum.

She wants to make sure her children are not disillusioned by having a famous actress as a mother. She’s even admitted that they still write birthday and Christmas lists to enforce that they can’t have everything they want, despite the wealth that has surrounded them growing up. Raising her children this way shows that she appreciates the important things in life.

SJP is someone who centres her life around motherhood and family, and focuses on these things entirely. By keeping family as a focal point for happiness in her life, she is living minimally and doing it so well.

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