Weekly Round-Up: Happy Halloween

by Melis Zumrutel

Happy Friday! Halloween is tomorrow and while we’re excited to see what fun, spooky outfits you come up with, we thought we’d give you something to talk about while you’re out and about. So, here’s our second weekly round-up. Stay educated!


  1. Five Brits died after a whale watching boat capsized in Canada. The incident killed a woman and 4 men and amongst them were father and son David, 50 and Stephen Thomas, 17. The boat was carrying 27 people and turned over near Vancouver Island on Sunday.
  2. European leaders had an emergency meeting to discuss the migrant and refugee crisis. So far, over half a million have arrived in the EU and now with winter coming, the EU leaders agreed they need to work together to help those arriving in harsh, cold conditions. This includes having more reception centres, aid to border countries and a better registration process.
  3. Justin Bieber dominated the MTV Europe Awards in Milan, winning five awards. He was named Best Male, Best Worldwide Act: North America, Best Look, Best Collaboration and he took home the Best Fans award. Other winners included: Best Pop: One Direction; Best New: Shawn Mendes and Best Female: Rihanna.


  1. The 15-year-old boy who was arrested in connection with TalkTalk’s cyber attack on Monday was released on bail. He was detained in Northern Island and questioned under the Computer Misuse Act, but was freed as the investigation continues.
  2. EU roaming charges will be scrapped by mid-2017 and will be reduced significantly by next summer thanks to the European Parliament . This means that users within the EU will be charged the same as they would in their home country. Prepare for the rise of summer hot dog legs and say bye bye to the search for Wifi!
  3. Yesterday, a huge earthquake (7.5 magnitude) hit Afghanistan, but was also felt in Pakistan, India, and Tajikistan. So far, over 260 people have died and thousands of homes have been destroyed. Pakistan has declared a state of emergency.


  1. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg defended his company’s efforts to expand Internet access in the developing world during his second visit to India this year. He argues that it could help alleviate poverty in India by providing information to the poor, and contributing to development of the economy.
  2. The Justice Department opened a civil rights investigation yesterday in South Carolina, after a student who refused to hand over her phone was dragged across the floor by a police office on duty at the school. The student is black and the officer is white, so this brings up the question of whether this was racially motivated.
  3. Twitter went crazy with Zola’s story. The ‘true’ twitter tale involving drugs, prostitution and guns has left readers wanting it to be made into a film. The moral of the story is if you’re working at Hooters and a customer invites you to Florida… say no.


  1. A woman was refused boarding on a plane over her ‘inappropriate’ dress in India, where she was wearing a knee-length dress. She was reportedly boarding the IndiGo flight from Mumbai to Delhi, when three male staff said that she would have to change her outfit before flying.
  2. Rosetta spacecraft delivers a ‘surprising’ find that comet 67P has an oxygen rich atmosphere. This is the first time oxygen molecules have been found in the gasses originating from the comet. The discovery has changed what researchers know about comet formation.
  3. According to Xinhua News Agency, China ends their one-child policy. The Chinese Communist Party’s central committee has scrapped this and couples will now be able to have two children. The rule was first introduced 35 years ago in 1978, and was fully implemented in 1980 to tackle the country’s perceived overpopulation.


  1. Two former soldiers have now been charged with the rape of a female corporal, after she committed suicide. Corporal Anne-Marie Ellement was attacked by the soldiers in 2009 and a coroner ruled that it contributed to her death two years later.
  2. After a great start to the week, Justin Bieber stormed off the stage in Oslo after a dispute with fans in the front row whilst he was trying to clear a spilt drink. The star left fans angered as he walked off saying “I’m done, I’m not doing the show.” Bieber addressed the issue on Instagram saying, “Sadly it’s been a rough week for me, long days, no sleep, while having to be ‘on’ as they would say for cameras fans etc.”
  3. Shaker Aamer, the last British resident held at Guantanamo Bay, was released today. Mr Aamer was detained in 2001 and held without charge or trial since 2002, over allegations he had led a Taliban unit. He has now returned to Britain to his wife and four children.





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