Weekly Round-Up: Hello…

by Melis Zumrutel

There’s no denying that we all have very busy lives and sometimes while you’re working, studying or seeing friends, you’re just too busy to check the headlines. So, here’s our first weekly round-up. We’ll do this every week to keep you up to date on the major things that have happened in the world. Stay educated!


  1. We saw tributes being paid to British journalist, Jacqueline Anne Sutton after it was reported that she died at Ataturk Airport in Turkey. Her friends have questioned the circumstances surrounding her death and journalist Rebecca Cooke has said it was “shocking and sad news about the death of Jacky Sutton in Istanbul. An international not just local investigation is needed.”
  2. Manchester United legend Gary Neville made a group of homeless men cry, after offering them somewhere to stay this winter. He is allowing almost 30 young men to squat in the former stock exchange building in Manchester, which he is developing into a boutique hotel.
  3. Hawaii’s government declared a state of emergency because they have a homelessness crisis and last week they cleared one of the largest homeless camps in the US. Declaring a state of emergency means the government will give them more money to set up permanent homes.


  1. This was a great day for Star Wars fans as the trailer for the final movie was released! Fans are now eagerly awaiting the release of the film on December 18th, where they’ll finally get to watch it after months of teasing. Cinema tickets are already selling out like hotcakes.
  2. Following those videos that were released a few months ago apparently showing Planned Parenthood executives talking about doing something illegal, Texas has now said they will be cutting off the nonprofit from Medicaid funding. Since Medicaid only funds abortions in a few cases (rape or incest), if this goes ahead it will mostly impact women who use Planned Parenthood for other reasons like cancer screenings or birth control.
  3. Oprah bought a huge stake in Weight Watchers and says she’s been using the company’s weight loss programmes for five years. The company will also be allowed to use her name and face to promote the products… and the company’s stock price has almost doubled since the news was released.


  1. Woo. It’s been announced that since the legalisation of same sex marriage, more than 15,000 gay and lesbian couples have wed. Of those, 55% were female and 45% male according to the Office of National Statistics.
  2. In an unrelated study, a poll by NUS found that 1 in 5 students experienced sexual harassment in their first week of term. The study published that 17% of respondents stated they had experienced harassment first-hand, and 29% said they had witnessed it happening to someone else.
  3. Yahoo announced their earnings and unfortunately, it’s not looking good. Their profits are down but they’ve announced a deal that will have Google sharing search results and ads… meaning more money for Yahoo.


  1. This was a great day for females. Adele confirmed the global release date as November 20th for her third studio album, ’25’ and everyone went crazy for her first single ‘Hello.’  The video already has over 51 millions views after just two days and features 90210 star Tristan Wilds.
  2. Speaking of women we love, the high court appointed Barrister Bobbie Cheema-Grubb as it’s first Asian, female judge, bringing the number of female high court judges to a record high of 23.
  3. Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom are putting their divorce on hold. Khloe’s lawyer Laura Wasser asked a judge to withdraw the papers on Wednesday and the request was granted. Khlomar fans, rejoice!


  1. At least 43 people including a three year old boy, died in France near Bordeaux after a bus burst into flames following a collision with a truck. Most of the passengers were retirees on a day trip and it is believed to be the worst road accidents in France in decades.
  2. Harry Potter fans, prepare for the best early Christmas present you could ever imagine. JK Rowling announced her new play ‘Harry Potter and The Cursed Child,’ will be hitting the West End next summer, with tickets going on sale on October 30th.
  3. A shooting left one person dead at Tennessee State University after a dispute over a dice game. Two others were injured and hospitalised. Surveillance footage of the shooting has now been released to try and encourage eyewitnesses to come forward.

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